Morocco’s response to humanitarian crises and international cooperation

This approach represents a model of successful international cooperation to address humanitarian challenges.
Morocco’s response to humanitarian crises and international cooperation


His Majesty King Mohammed VI expressed, during the working session that the Sovereign chaired following the earthquake that shook the Al-Haouz region, “the most sincere thanks of the Kingdom of Morocco to the many brotherly and friendly countries that have expressed their solidarity with the Moroccan people in this difficult situation and several of which have expressed their readiness to provide aid and assistance in this difficult situation.”

In this context, and in line with international standards in similar situations, the Moroccan authorities have carried out a careful assessment of aid needs on the ground, aware that uncoordinated aid will be counterproductive. Morocco places coordination and careful needs assessment at the top of its priorities.

On the basis of this assessment, the Moroccan authorities have, at this precise stage, responded favorably to offers of support from friendly countries offering to provide rescue and rescue teams. These are Spain, the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar. The teams dispatched by these countries have been in operational contact with their Moroccan counterparts.

As relief operations progress, we should expect Morocco’s needs to evolve. The assessment could evolve to include more countries and other forms of support. Morocco’s response to humanitarian crises emphasizes effective coordination and careful needs assessment as key elements. This approach represents a model of successful international cooperation to address humanitarian challenges.

This wave of solidarity and mobilization from different regions of the world should be welcomed, which testifies to the respect and recognition by these countries of Morocco’s commitment and its many contributions to humanitarian support and support actions carried out in accordance with the high directives of His Majesty the King of Morocco.

Ambassadorhumanitarian crisesinternational cooperationMajesty King Mohammed VIMoroccoResponse