Most Police officers disagree with IGP: They say they are corrupt

There are Police Officers who take small bribes to keep body and soul together, then there are those who do sales to superior officers after taking the bribes, there are also those who release Criminals or condone crime to survive and those in decision making positions pushing pen to steal to enrich themselves...
Most Police officers disagree with IGP: They say they are corrupt

See the various barracks, visit the rooms where Ghana’s Police Officers live and you will agree that BRIBE-TAKING is just a smaller price to pay as the effect.

See the Police Headquarters and the bizarre beautification project underway and it is not surprising that CORRUPTION is attributed to bigger sin by the bigger police officers on top of the bribes…

You give a man or woman a uniform and give him or her the authority to arrest you, then you give him or her a gun and other powers yet fail to take good care of the man or woman, their accommodation and pocket.

Psychological imbalance coupled with marital, social and economic pressure on a man or woman is dangerous even without a GUN let along the power of the Police…

No wonder many Police officers are engaged in robberies, hire out their uniforms and guns to robbers or engage in crime; an activity which they are paid to stop.

There are Police Officers who take small bribes to keep body and soul together, then there are those who do sales to superior officers after taking the bribes, there are also those who release Criminals or condone crime to survive and those in decision making positions pushing pen to steal to enrich themselves…

The current IGP, Dr. Dampare rose through the ranks from a Constable to Commissioner of Police and therefore cannot claim not to know firsthand the different shades of corruption in the Ghana Police Service nor its pervasiveness;

So the IGP attempting to disputing what he knows to be true, is most ingenious.

Who is planting grass and flowers including SUNFLOWER in the media in front of the CID Headquarters and Police Headquarters?

Who is building the TALL WALL around the Ghana Police Headquarters?

Who is paying for the WASTEFUL POLICE BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT and the culverts too?

What is the salary of the Police, what are their Allowances like?

What are the Priority of Priorities of the IGP?

Why is there a POLICE LANDGUARD UNIT and what are their duties and responsibilities?

The Ghana Police Service may conduct an ANONYMOUS PROFESSIONAL SURVEY of exclusively Police officers on their perception and experience of CORRUPTION WITHIN THE GHANA POLICE SERVICE and the results will be shocking.

Mr. IGP get to work, if you don’t trust the Ghana Statistical Service, (GSS), Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ), and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and Centre for Democratic Development Afrobarometer Reports that the Ghana Police Service under your watch is more corrupt, kindly do your own survey on Police Corruption.

Ghanaians are resolved to be Citizens and not Spectators; waiting for your survey results on Police Corruption…

AriseGhana Youth for your country.

God Save Our Police Service and let them stop harassing citizens especially those embarking on their legal duties and constitutional rights to demonstrate…




By Prince-Derek

CorruptcorruptionflowersIGPpolice officersSUNFLOWER