“Has an IT Consultant been fired by our NPP?” – Akyea Mensah writes

“Has an IT Consultant been fired by our NPP?” – Akyea Mensah writes

Reliable and aggrieved sources from the corridors of power, have revealed an acrimonious environment within party operatives in charge of IT and Campaign Management matters.

Sources have revealed that in the last couple of months, our NPP engaged the services of a SWISS/ISRAELI IT and Public Relations Consultant to assist the party’s preparations for ELECTION 2020.

As part of the terms and conditions of the engagement, the Consultant and her Team were to be paid various sums of money. Unfortunately, our Government, and our Party and some of our leading members failed to pay all consultancy and other overdue fees.

At a crunch meeting held on Tuesday, 6th October 2020, the lead Consultant gave a grave assessment on the chances of our government. Indeed, the Team stated emphatically that our NPP has lost ELECTION 2020.

Following these grim revelations and the insistence of the IT Consultant to see our President, our feared “Prime Minister,” Gabby Otchere-Darko, has terminated her contract, paid her most, if not all, financial and contractual obligations and asked the lady to leave the country within 48 hours.

Read More: 

Gabby Asare Otchere-Darko

The sources indicate that the services of the aforementioned Consultant is quite different from fourteen Israelis brought into the country recently whose photos were published in what appears to be a credible newspaper.

More soon.

Source: ghananewsonline.com.gh 

CampaigncorridorsenvironmentGabby Asare Otchere-DarkoITmanagementmattersNPPparty operativespowerRevealed