NDC Releases Additional evidence on Completed but Dried-Up 1V1D Projects (Part2)

NDC Releases Additional evidence on Completed but Dried-Up 1V1D Projects (Part2)

Fellow Ghanaians, the NDC promised to release incontrovertible evidence to expose government’s deceptive claim, that the 1V1D site in Nakpachie in the Yendi Constituency where we held our evidence-based Moment of Truth presser yesterday is an uncompleted 1V1D project.

In spite of government’s failure to explain the basis of its claim that the 1V1D project in Nakpachie is uncompleted, we have decided to provide additional evidence to settle the fact that the Nakpachie 1V1D project is in fact a fully completed project and not uncompleted as government would have us believe

In the attached video, the Municipal Chief Executive of the Yendi Municipality, Hon. Alhaji Ahmed Abubakari Yusif is heard loud and clear telling an Adom TV reporter, that the Nakpachie 1V1D has been completed and handed-over to the assembly.

The “419” Akufo-Addo government must render an unqualified apology for lying to the people of Ghana again.


1V1D siteevidenceGhanaiansGovernmentNakpachieYendi Constituency