NSS to pay all outstanding allowances to personnel by close of week – PRO assures

He has explained that the Scheme decided to pilot the programme and hence, migrated a few of the personnel to the GhanaPay, and the late submission of some of the beneficiaries, resulted in the delay of their stipends.
NSS to pay all outstanding allowances to personnel by close of week – PRO assures

The National Service Scheme (NSS) has promised to pay all personnel owed by the Scheme by close of this week, Friday, July 19, 2024, Public Relations Officer, Armstrong Esaah, has assured.

According to Mr. Esaah, the delay in payment of the allowance to some of the persons was as a result of the migration of the personnel from the E-Zwich system of payment to GhanaPay, a new digital system of payment introduced by the government.

He has explained that the Scheme decided to pilot the programme and hence, migrated a few of the personnel to the GhanaPay, and the late submission of some of the beneficiaries, resulted in the delay of their stipends.

In an exclusive with OnuaOnline Wednesday, July 17, 2024, the Public Relations Officer of the Scheme, Mr. Esaah, noted that all personnel whose allowances are outstanding will receive them by close of the week.

“You know the Ghana Pay system is a new introduction and so what happened was that the National Service Scheme wanted to leverage this innovation to ensure that we have a smoother payment system for all our national service personnel. So we began the piloting just a few months ago.

We decided to do that with the nurses. And then we noticed that there were some late submissions from some of the teachers we had deployed,” he indicated, adding that majority of the teachers who remained on the e-zwich have all been paid, with the exception of those who did late registration.

He explained that their system reported the irregularities in the data, which he says was followed by a directive from the Director of the Scheme to ensure all the corrections are made for bulk payment.

“And so by close of this week, the few who were migrated to the GhanaPay system would also receive their salaries,” adding that the notice by a section of the personnel who had not received their allowances to embark on a strike came to him as a surprise.

Below is the statement issued by the personnel.


E-zwichGhanaPay systemNational Service Schemepay all personnel owed