Concerned Ghanaians to Demonstrate in Washington DC over Free and Fair Elections in Ghana

Concerned Ghanaians to Demonstrate in Washington DC over Free and Fair Elections in Ghana

A group by name Concerned Ghanaians in the United States of America (USA) will hold a demonstration and a Press Conference at the forecourt of the Capitol Hill, the West Front Grassy Area 1 at the Lower Center Portion at Washington DC on Saturday, November 21, 2020 at 1:00 pm

The group’s action aims at drawing the attention of world leaders and the international community to the growing tension and allegations of disenfranchisement and elections rigging plots by the ruling government and the Electoral Commission of Ghana (EC) with regards to the upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections on December 7, 2020.

The group will be advocating for close monitoring of the polls by international observers in the country to save the nation from any potential pre-election and post-election disturbances. According to our sources, Ghana is an icon of democracy in Africa, as many countries on the continent benchmark from the nation in terms of democracy and peace.

In a statement signed by the group’s Spokespersons, Dr. Solomon Owusu and Mr. Kevin Taylor, it said tension is already brewing in Ghana because there have been several electoral flaws stemming from allegations against the current Electoral Commission in her exercises ever since she assumed office and the faulty preparations she has made towards the upcoming elections.

“Some of these flaws included alleged duplicate voters in the biometric registration system, missing names from the new voter’s register, deletion of names from the register without publishing the list of the affected people and intimidations to prevent members of the opposition political parties from registering to vote, among others,” they stated.

According to them, the flaws have created an inconsistency in the fundamental link between the trust in election infrastructure and the confidence that Ghanaians place in the basic democratic function. They noted that the Ghana electoral process infractions under the leadership of Mrs. Jean Mensa as the EC, who was appointed by the current President on July 23, 2018, have raised serious red flags concerning the credibility and transparency of the upcoming elections.

The group has since indicated that “A written petition will be submitted to the Ghana Electoral Commissioner (EC) and copies will be sent to the President of the Republic of Ghana, the UN, EU, AU, ECOWAS, Ambassadors and High Commissioners in Ghana.”
