Open Letter: Government of Ghana Must Rescind Move to Mine Iron Ore in Oti Region (Western Togoland Territory)

Should the government fail to heed our calls and the calls of the poor masses in the  OTI/VOLTA regions and to continue with its intentions resulting in any mayhem(God forbid) then it should have itself to blame.
Open Letter: Government of Ghana Must Rescind Move to Mine Iron Ore in Oti Region (Western Togoland Territory)

11 June 2023
Subject: Open Letter


Government of Ghana Must Rescind Move to Mine Iron Ore in Oti Region (Western Togoland Territory)

The Peoples Liberation Council (PLC) of Western Togoland wish to once again draw the attention of the people of Western Togoland and Ghana through your to pertinent issues as regards the move by government of Ghana to begin the mining of Iron-ore in the territory of Western Togoland hitherto referred to as the OTI region of Ghana.

  1. To start with, the PLC wishes to add its voice to the concerns raised by the Catholic Bishop of Jasikan the Most Rev. Gabriel A. A Mante on the issue of mining Iron Ore in the OTI region, which was wisely, publicized both in the mainstream media and on several social media platforms.
  2. The observations of the Bishop are so true in that the mining of the mineral in the region will not directly improve the economic conditions of the local dwellers of that enclave but rather worsen their plight-most of the people will be displaced from their indigenous places of abode as such activities had the potential of destroying the area with landslides as a result of the disturbance of the mountains that surround the area.
  3. Painstaking investigation we conducted reveal that the people of the OTI region and their brothers in the VOLTA region which territories were originally Western Togoland, are strongly opposed to the idea of mineral mining in their region and any attempt by government to carry on with the mining, the people say would be resisted even “to the last drop of their blood”. Indeed the people have been aware of  several mineral deposits in their land(Western Togoland) ever since and so government’s assertion that the mineral had just been discovered beats the imagination of the people who are also very much aware of an indefinite ban by the United Nations preventing the government of Ghana from engaging in any such activities.
  4. There is no formal agreement whatsoever between the republic of Ghana and the people of Western Togoland regarding the mining of any mineral in any part of Western Togoland territory. Indeed this situation we are afraid might become like the one that took place in the ambazonian region in Cameroun if caution is not taken. We are reliably informed that the youths of that enclave are planning a massive demonstration to impress upon the government to rescind the decision (we pray it doesn’t turn chaotic and bloody) and we also wish to join voices to the call by Bishop Mante for the government of Ghana to back down on this decision to mine the Iron-ore and for that matter any mineral resources that have also been “discovered” but has not been disclosed to the public(Gold, Lithium etc) all in the interest of peace and security.
  5. Should the government fail to heed our calls and the calls of the poor masses in the  OTI/VOLTA regions and to continue with its intentions resulting in any mayhem(God forbid) then it should have itself to blame.
  6. We also want to use this medium to reiterate our calls for the government of Ghana to take the necessary constitutional and legal steps to implement the UNION of Western Togoland and Ghana which was the choice of the people of Western Togoland in that infamous Plebiscite of 1956. A choice that was thwarted by Kwame Nkrumah and his British collaborators the result of which we are witnessing today. And by so doing all these back and forth with the issue of Western Togoland would be brought to rest.

We also want to remind the companies and entities who ready to upload their resources in to these sector to be aware of the risk involved.


You may visit our website for more information:

Our warmest regards to all the people of Western Togoland and the people of Ghana.

Let us remind ourselves once again that “THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE IS THE VOICE OF GOD!!!”.



Issued by the Communications Bureau of the PLC, Western Togoland.

1. Africa Exploration and Mining Ghana Ltd
2. Gem Global Ventures.
3 Cloudline Ghana Ltd.
4, Q3 Ghana Ltd
5. Star Steels Ltd.
6. Shokram Ltd.
7. B5 Plus Ltd.
8. Fabrimetal Ltd.
9. Planet One Group.
10. Magna Mining.
11. Contracts Services Ltd.



Government of Ghanairon-oremineOpen letterOti RegionPLCterritoryThe Peoples Liberation CouncilWestern Togoland