Opinion: Andy Appiah Kubi and The Rich Visitor In Parliament

They will do EVERYTHING to survive, for life is precious, and every living species on earth does everything within their means to protect their lives.
Opinion: Andy Appiah Kubi and The Rich Visitor In Parliament

Ghana is woefully devoid of integrity, from the topmost religious leaders to the bottom, and across every segment of society!

If you force marginalization on people while skyrocketing every aspect of their livelihoods, while at the same time wickedly and callously picking their pockets while enriching your family and friends with such disgusting impunity using the very security apparatus sustained by their taxes, what else do you expect from citizens of such a nation?

They will do EVERYTHING to survive, for life is precious, and every living species on earth does everything within their means to protect their lives.

So Ghanaians, go ahead and do everything you can to oblige your God-given inalienable right to survival.

Don’t mind these cabals and their fellow religious establishment co-nation wreckers! Your God will never fault you.

Randy Sobo is a freelance journalist amd an African in the Diaspora.

Andy Appiah KubiopinionParliamentThe Rich Visitor