Opinion: ECOWAS reacts to Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger’s withdrawal from Regional Bloc

Africans must wake up against this kind of "COLLECTIVE NONSENSE" from their leaders!
Opinion: ECOWAS reacts to Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger’s withdrawal from Regional Bloc


Their actions speak loudly that it means changing the constitution to stay longer in power, using state security to rig elections in their favour, looting and stealing of state assets for self-enrichment, and collaborating with Africa’s perennial worst external enemies to exploit the continent and keep it as their cheap raw material base!

Any group or entity that attempts to protect their national assets is seen as their joint enemies against their collective interests.

These are rather considered as working against THEIR constitutional order, not their nations’ wreckers!

Africans must wake up against this kind of “COLLECTIVE NONSENSE” from their leaders!

Randy Sobo is a freelance journalist and and an African in the Diaspora

Burkina FasoECOWASMaliNigeropinionreactionsRegional BlocWithdrawal