OPPOSITION LEADER: Training of pro-government activists at the Ghana Military Academy, Teshie – An Owula Mangortey observation

OPPOSITION LEADER: Training of pro-government activists at the Ghana Military Academy, Teshie – An Owula Mangortey observation

Reference to the coalition of the Willing (CoW) recent observation and disclosure of the training of some 30 pro- government activists at the Ghana Military Academy at Teshie

The CoW can disclose from GAF deep throat sources as follows:

The CoW disclosed 30 pro- government activists/ trainees have left MATS and new ones are in.

It is the observation of the CoW that it seems this new government strategy of training Commanders for election related trained vigilante groups is a continuous operation which the OPPOSITION LEADER must be very serious about.

“The tinder box for the flares that will consume Ghana’s fledging democracy are being created in the Military, Security and Intelligence community. They need only a spark.” states Owula Mangortey of the CoW Headquarters.

OPPOSITION LEADER: If you assume your comfortable strastosphere is the real world of the Military, Securiry and Intelligence community, you are in for deep trouble.

More anon.

Odumase- Dodowa

activistsGhana Military AcademyleaderobservationoppositionOwula Mangorteypro-governmentTeshietraining