Owula Mangortey writes: A tactical move by Dr. Bawumia to pick as Running Mate an Oil and Gas Expert from the Ashanti-Akyem general area – DR BEN ASANTE OF GHANA GAS

From Bawku, I do note that Dr. Bawumia admits to his kitchen cabinet that he needs an Energy Expert as his Vice President and Chairman of the Economic Management Team.
Owula Mangortey writes: A tactical move by Dr. Bawumia to pick as Running Mate an Oil and Gas Expert from the Ashanti-Akyem general area – DR BEN ASANTE OF GHANA GAS

(1) Background Experience

From Kibbutz Mizra – located between Afula and Nazareth – to Sabongari and Sagabo, Bawku!

In August, 2021, I was in the Bawku West and Binduri Districts to monitor the likely downstream human security impact of an expected spillage of the Burkinabe Bagre and Kompienga dams.

Surprisingly, I started to pick INTEL on the signs and symptoms of an imminent deadly Kusasi/Mamprusi fratricidal struggle in the Bawku general area.

From August 2021 to August 2023, I was based permanently in Bawku, and I observed, monitored, gathered and shared freely timely information on the Bawku conflict – which escalated rapidly from factional mis-and disinformation warfare in November/December 2021, to actual real gun battles in early 2022!

Additionally, I have shared freely counter-terrorism analysis from border and near border communities in the five regions of the northern sector, as my citizen-and-not-a-spectator contribution to State Security and Intelligence Operations to counter and deter terrorists and other armed groups.

I always maintain that in spite of our different orientations, our National Stability/Security is like a mother we must NEVER betray!

(2). Dr. Bawumia’s Running Mate Matters

From Bawku, I can once again point out to the Intelligence Agencies and Political Watchers that I do note the tactical move of Dr. Bawumia to select his Running Mate for the 2024 general election from the Ashanti-Akyem general area (and not from metropolitan Ashanti).

From Bawku, I do note that Dr Bawumia is picking a historical lesson from Chairman J.J. Rawlings, who picked a politically untainted Tax Expert/Technocrat – Prof J.E.A. Mills – as Running Mate (RM) in the 1996 Presidential election.

From Bawku, I do note that Dr Bawumia realises that the Energy Sector is the Achilles heel of the Ghana economy requiring urgent fixing.

From Bawku, I do note that Dr. Bawumia admits to his kitchen cabinet that he needs an Energy Expert as his Vice President and Chairman of the Economic Management Team.

From Bawku, I do note the tactical move by Dr. Bawumia to pick as his Running Mate, an Oil and Gas Expert from the Ashanti-Akyem general area – DR. BEN ASANTE, THE CURRENT CEO OF GHANA GAS!

I shall return.

Owula E.T. Mangortey
Permanent Representative and Ambassador Extraordinaire/Plenipotentiary to BAWKU
19th November 2023

Ashanti-AkyemDr BawumiaDr. Ben AsanteGhana GasOil and Gas ExpertOwula Mangorteyrunning matetactical