Pas Kwesi Schandorf vs Michelle Frimpong

"A man who refuses to admit his mistakes can never be successful. But if he confesses and forsakes them, he gets another chance"

It’s good to see the issue between Paa Kwesi Schandorf and Michelle Frimpong has eventually died off. But it leaves a couple of lessons. It is not every time one gets such an opportunity to learn from others and become better. Below are a few lessons to learn from:

1. When there are issues, people are quick to take sides; this is because a human being wants to belong. I see lots of people trolling Paa Kwesi Schandorf because of their personal beef with him, others because he is against their political party. Others are defending him and criticising Michelle for posting a private conversation, etc. While others see this as a battle of the gender because of their personal experiences.

No matter what your beliefs are, no matter which side you take, remember that your behaviour towards others makes you a better person, not your belief, political party or association. If his behaviour towards the lady was good, he wouldn’t be apologising.

2. The people in your life can either be enablers of your bad behaviour or help you change to become a better person. In life, we don’t need people who always tell us we are right because of our affiliation with them. We need people who will always tell us what is right, even if it hurts to hear it.

3. I am glad to hear Paa Kwasi say he is working on himself to become a better person. Others who have similar issues (behaviour) should understand that bad behaviour is like a goat; when the goat goes to the church and it is not stopped, it gets to the altar. If you don’t take care of your bad behaviour, it will bring you the worst embarrassment.

In conclusion, “A man who refuses to admit his mistakes can never be successful. But if he confesses and forsakes them, he gets another chance” – Proverbs 28:13 (TLB).

Frank Edem Adofoli
Counsellor, ADR Practitioner, Conference Speaker, Author
CEO, The Marriage Consult LTD.
T. +233201435300.

Michelle FrimpongPas Kwesi Schandorf