Pastor Outlines Biblical Characteristics of a Fool

“Whoever slanders is a fool! “He Stressed. Citing proverbs 30:19-20 He hinted that whoever does not desist from sin is a fool. Also double standards, infidelity are all signs of a fool. “If you cannot change from your bad old days and change your mind you are a fool!” he stated citing Proverbs 14:9
Pastor Outlines Biblical Characteristics of a Fool

Congregants at Joy and Love Healing Church at Kwashiebu, Race Course in Accra were shocked to the marrow when their Spiritual Father and Founder of the Church, Prophet Theophilus Appiah-Dankwah gave them the characteristics of a fool via a sermon last Friday September, 8 2023.

Their shock stermed from the fact that these characteristics of a fool were Bible-based and for that matter Biblical in nature. With the topic “Who is a fool?” Prophet AppiahDankwah fired the first salvo on the subject matter from proverbs 1:7 intallia, The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction”.

According to him, whoever rejects advice or instruction is a fool, He stressed that people are born with wisdom but knowledge is obtained through learning.

The prophet hinted that the likes of Daniel, David, Solomon, Joseph, and others were born with wisdom, but obtained knowledge through instruction and learning.

Outstanding Characteristics of a Fool

“Say to the fool, ‘Don’t go, sit here and there, and it is the exact opposite he will do. The fool spoils people with falsehood. He slanders people, knocks their head together. Persons with lying tongues are fools as well as murderers.

Prophet Appiah-Dankwah pointed out that through the lying tongues of a fool, the marriage between spouses here in Ghana and abroad can be broken for a peanut from one of them abroad.

“Whoever slanders is a fool! “He Stressed. Citing proverbs 30:19-20 He hinted that whoever does not desist from sin is a fool. Also double standards, infidelity are all signs of a fool. “If you cannot change from your bad old days and change your mind you are a fool!” he stated citing Proverbs 14:9

The prophet also pointed out that whoever talks much, more so about his secrets is a fool. The wise, he noted, talk less. He noted that the fool hates advice, does not understand anything and whereas wise persons want peace, the fool believes in chaos animosity and confusion. “Move away from him. Don’t move with him, don’t argue with him!” he stressed, citing Proverbs 21:20

According to Prophet Appiah-Dankwah, the fool over spends his meagre income on frivolities to his own detriment – bigism, drinks, women unwarranted funerals and many more, citing Proverbs 28:26

One For Pastors And Married Women

Not minicing words, Prophet Appiah-Dankwah pointed out that pastors who pray for women, fondling their breasts, flirting with peoples wives are foolish and demonic.

The pastor also noted that married women, who refuse their husband sex but flirt outside bed locks are not only fools, but demons. He urged spouses to live apace together for harmony unity in their homes. Concluding prophet Appiah-Dankwah urged Christians to live by Paul’s admonition that “We should run away from sin in all its forms!”

Reveals Daniel, Zaccheaous, Joseph

According to Prophet Appiah – Dankwa, Daniel was not eaten up by the lions when he was thrown in their Den had a hidden secret not known by many.

He revealed that Daniel belonged to the tribe of Lion of Judah, Therefore, when he was thrown up to the Lions, they saw him as one of theirs hence their inability to eat him up.

The prophet was quick to point out that Daniels predicaments emanated from hatred by his peers simply because as accountant in charge of the accounts in the Kings Palace, he would not allow anybody to loot the accounts. As a result, his peers had to hatch a plan to get rid of him.

Unfortunately for them, he met his own who refused to eat him up. What is mare, his faithfulness and closeness to God helped a lot in this case. He subsequently advised all to end endeavor to maintain these qualities in order to be saved from nay unforeseeable calamities.

Touching on Joseph, Prophet Appiah- Dankwa h maintained that it was theses same qualities that pushed Joseph from slavery and prison to prime minister.

On Zaccheous, the prophet stated that despite his short structure he was very wealthy. Also he was very curious and investigative, wanting to get to the bottom of issues all by himself.

“He did climb the sycamore tree to see Jesus, who he had heard much about, with his naked eyes because he wanted his own personal accounts of the man.

Prophet Appiah- Dankwah pointed out that as Chief Tax Collector, he was very rich. But when he came into contact with Jesus, he chose to give half of his wealth to the needy and return all monies he had taken by false pretences from anyone.

The prophet indicated that Zaccheous did not want anybody to think for him, stressing that it si only a fool who allows others to think for him. Also for his repentance, he got salvation for himself and his household, stressing that this is what is expected of every true Christian.

By S.O. Ankamah






Biblical CharacteristicschurchFoolFounderPastorProphet Theophilus Appiah-DankwahSpiritual Father