Pastors in Sefwi send Goodwill and New Year Messages to Ghanaians

“Christmas is all about Christ. Therefore, one cannot celebrate Christmas without Him, as Christmas without Christ is just Mass!
Pastors in Sefwi send Goodwill and New Year Messages to Ghanaians

As it is the wish of all Pastors to give good tidings to their congregants on festive and momentous occasions, a number of Pastors in the Juaboso constituency in the Western North Region have done same this yuletide and for the year 2022.

You Can’t Celebrate Christmas without Christ

In his message to Ghanaians, the District Pastor of the Sefwi Afere Church of Pentecost, Daniel Gyan Henanaopeh, stated that Christians cannot celebrate Christmas without Christ.

“Christmas is all about Christ. Therefore, one cannot celebrate Christmas without Him, as Christmas without Christ is just Mass! “He stressed.

Pastor Henanaopeh indicated that the celebration of Christmas is not necessarily about the date, 25th December, which some dispute, but it is about the fact that God Jesus Christ came to live with man on earth in human form.

He indicated that if even angels celebrated Him as pertained in Luke2:4, what then prevents man from doing same?

The District Pastor made these observations in an exclusive interview with this medium on New Year Eve in his parish at Sefwi Afere.

He noted that though Christmas has suffered some criticisms it cannot be glossed over. According to him, it depicts Christ’s birth, life and Ministry. More so, about his passion and protection to man: His care for the needy, the sick and venerable. This, Pastor David maintained makes Christmas a good thing for Christians to emulated these good feats of Christ.

He noted that even doubters of Christmas, when they Google about Christmas get more information on the occasion and get convinced about it.

“You can deny Him today as your saviour, but you cannot deny Him as your judge on the judgement day, Pastor David stressed.


According to Pastor David, New Year is a prudent reflection of the previous one, and on how one is going to live his life the coming year. He pointed out that it is a year for sober reflection on one’s past year, financial status, and opportunities in the year ahead and what one intends to achieve. While maintaining that 2022 is no different, he charged Christians to live their lives worthy of Christ’s and their calling. A life suggestive of the second coming of Christ, devoid of selfishness but care for others as Christ did while on earth.

Pray without ceasing – Bishop Affum

On his part, Bishop Affum, Leader, Founder and General Overseer of Agents For Christ Mission Outreach gave four keys to success for his congregants in particular and Christians in General. These involved Repentance, Loving God, Praying without Ceasing and Giving unto God and Others. These keys he supported with numerous corresponding verses, which the renowned Bishop gave with cheeky ease.

Touching on repentance, which he defined as “Total turning away from Sin”, He gave verses like II Chronicles 7:14, I John 19, Acts 3:19, Proverbs 28:13 and James 4:8.

On loving God, Bishop Affum supported with verses as Deut. 6:5, 7: 9, 11:1, Exodus 20:6, Romans8:28 and I John 2:5. Touching on prayer without Ceasing the Bishop gave these verses Psalm 50:5, 50:14, Proverbs 18:16, 25:3, 9 and Luke 6:38.

Bishop Affum indicated that if one followed these keys religiously and put them to practice, they will open great doors to prosperity and success in 2022.

Explaining further he indicated that loving Gold involves obeying His laws and doing what is good. With giving to God and others, he stated that it involved attending to widows, Orphans, the poor and needy in the society and not to those who can pay you back.

While maintaining that worshipping God till he does is his passion, Bishop Affum urged all to Endeavour to walk well with God this year and beyond, so that great doors to success and prosperity will be theirs.

Build an Intentional Relationship with God and Man

On his part, Rev. Francis Nyarko, Area Head Pastor of Christ Apostolic Church International (CACI) Juaboso charged Christians to live lives worthy of Christ’s.

This, he said included valuing one’s life, building Good Relationship with God, Engaging oneself in Building good relationship engaging oneself in covenant demand with God, and building an Intentional Relationship with God and follow human beings.

Expatiating Rev. Nyarko pointed out that God is a Good God of covenant, hence his covenant with Abraham. In the same vein man should have covenant with God and Endeavour not to break that covenant as Abraham did.

He also noted that one’s relationship with God points to one’s success or failure in life. This is because; whatever one does in life is witnessed by heaven and earth.

Touching on valuing one’s life, Rev. Nyarko charged Christians to do something useful to their original profession, eg: learning a trade, so that in the absence of Job in relation to one’s profession, he does not remain redundant. Rev. Nyarko pointed out that if one wants to succeed in life, he should build an intentional relationship with God and Man by sowing something profitable in that relationship. The Reverend Minister noted that in 2022, life will be better for those who do the afore-mentioned choices with their trust in God to do it. Also they should take good decisions, trust God and make good friendship and relationship.

Let’s Strive To Live The Christ Life.

Taking his turn to wish Christians well, Rev. Elijah Adama Resident Pastor of the Assemblies of God, Sefwi Afere, charged Christians to Endeavour to live the life Christ led while on earth, comprising peace, love humility and selflessness.

He indicated that if one lived this Christ life, he is bound to succeed in all his endeavors this year and beyond. In this regard, one should have a humble spirit, peace, love for others and deviation from selfishness. Also, the Christian should love his country as well, protect all resources in the country including minerals, river bodies e.t.c.

Also, they should respect and obey their leadership and laws of the country in accordance with Biblical admonitions while obeying the COVID-19 protocols as the canker still hovers around.


Rev. Adama expressed reservations about criticism on the birthday of Christ as 25th December, and the subsequent celebration of Christmas. He indicated that Christmas is not about the date of his birth as 25th December. Therefore the charge by critics claiming that they are not in the Bible is baseless. “This is because there is no big pen in the Bible”, he stressed.

The Reverend Minister noted that there are a number of things contemporary pastors do which are not in the Bible. For Instance, Preaching Via TV, Radio Stations, using speakers and many more. He argued that Jesus Preached to over 5000 people at a time without mikes because they were nonexistent then. He maintained that with dynamism in life, such modern means help facilitate and expedite the propagation of the gospel.

Rev. Adama contended that all that Christmas teaches is the emulation of Christ’s humble, respectful, obedient and sinless life he led on earth. He stressed that it was based on this humility that in his triumphant entry into Jerusalem he rode on a colt instead of a horse that depicts war

A student of Philosophy, Rev. Adama stated that when one argues from the point of view of Philosophy, one should answer him in same vein.


Rev. Adama was quick to point out that all these baseless arguments have come about as a result of ignorance, which he described as enemy to progress. He maintained that such pastors refuse to be educated, and end up producing more ignorant followers who see them as their mentors “You are the product of the one you follow,” he stressed. He charged such pastors to humble themselves and gets educated so as to do away with such misconceptions.

By S.O. Ankamah, Sefwi Juaboso, Western North Region









GhanaiansgoodwillNew Year MessagespastorsSefwi Juaboso