People’s Liberation Council (PLC) Western Togoland is not a Secessionist/Criminal Organization

︎Any critical investigation will certainly prove the Peoples' Liberation Council of Western Togoland distinctly different from individuals or groups suspected by the government of the Republic of Ghana as criminal and secessionist trying to destabilize the security of Ghana.
People’s Liberation Council (PLC) Western Togoland is not a Secessionist/Criminal Organization

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Press, felicitations from the People’s Liberation Council (PLC) of Western Togoland and best wishes for the New Year 2022.

The PLC wishes to draw the attention of the citizens of Ghana and Western Togoland through your esteemed media outlets to an erroneous and unfounded impressions being created and churned out in the public domain suggesting that the People’s Liberation Council (PLC) of Western Togoland is a criminal and secessionist organization agitating for the independence of Western Togoland comprising of the ( Volta region, Oti region and parts of the Savannah regions) now in the Republic of Ghana¹ and wish to register our concerns in this press release as follows:

  • The PLC- Western Togoland has, since its establishment in the year 2018, seriously distanced itself from and advocates against activities such as Unilateral Declaration or Independence, unconstitutional formation of Western Togoland Army and all those violent actions attributed to Western Togoland separatist movements in the newlines.

︎Any critical investigation will certainly prove the Peoples’ Liberation Council of Western Togoland distinctly different from individuals or groups suspected by the government of the Republic of Ghana as criminal and secessionist trying to destabilize the security of Ghana.

  • The PLC-Western Togoland wishes to state that the purpose and modus operandi of the such groups and for that matter any other is far removed from that of the PLC-Western Togoland which was established purposely to promote development, education, governance, health and gender issues upon which she is pressing home the demand for the restoration and consolidation of the UNION between Ghana and Western Togoland as contained in the United Nations recommendations prior to the plebiscite of 9th May 1956.
  • The PLC-Western Togoland which was duly incorporated with the Registrar General’s Department of the Republic of Ghana, aims among other things to :
  • To facilitate the restoration of human dignity for a harmonious co- operation and sustainable development in Western Togoland and it’s environs.
  • To awaken the spirit of patriotism among citizens of Western Togoland and to guide them towards the sustainable management of their God given human and natural resources.
  • To advocate for good governance and promotion of development, education, health and gender issues bedevilling the people of Western Togoland.

To this end we wish to state unequivocally and emphatically that PLC- Western Togoland is not and must therefore not be labelled as a gang of criminals agitating for the independence of Western Togoland. We maintain our stand because per documents available to us, which we do believe are in the possession of the government of Ghana, and the UN’s guidelines for the UNION between Ghana and Trust Territory  of Togoland under British Administration,  which we now call Western Togoland, the Trusteeship Agreement, was accordingly terminated upon assumption that the objective of the Trusteeship System was attained. Being aware of the legitimacy of the sovereignty for which the people are desperately calling on the government of Ghana to respect, we have found a middle way in the regularization of the Union of Ghana and Western Togoland which, on record, began from the midnight of 5th/6th of March 1957.

Thus, there should be no need for agitations for it’s independence as being peddled here and there by some people.

The PLC had, in a Registered letter dated Nov. 9th, 2020, addressed to the then speaker of Ghana’s Parliament, the RT. Hon. Prof. Aaron Mike Oquaye, and copied to the then Majority and Minority Leaders in Parliament, drawn the house’s attention to a comment purported to have been made by Ghana’s Minister of National Security, Mr. Albert Kan Dapaah, implicating the PLC as a criminal organization. A comment carried by a news website and appeared on Opera News. Mr. Albert Kan Dapaah was quoted as saying in the said publication that “apart from the known Home Study Group Foundation (HSGF) two other gangs called the Western Togoland Restoration Front (WTRF) and the People’s Liberation Council (PLC) of Western Togoland have joined such criminal course”. We strongly refute it because it is unfair and unfounded, and does not represent the position of the PLC.

The Peoples’ Liberation Council of Western Togoland is a legally registered organization incorporated in the Republic of Ghana with registration number: CG 033082018, and has never engaged in and will not engage in any criminal acts that would warrant the criminal label imputed to it.

Moreover the PLC is precisely adhering to her statutorily mandated obligations as endorsed at registration of business name with the said appropriate regulatory body.

We are currently engaged in public education on environmental governance, skills development, livelihood promotion, human rights advocacy and sporting for peace without any form of discrimination within the UNION OF GHANA AND WESTERN TOGOLAND.

Our policies are based on the natural, the international and the national laws.

In conclusion, PLC wishes to inform the good people of Ghana and Western Togoland, through your media houses, of our commitment to mobilizing resources both human and material to attain restoration of human dignity for the harmonious and perpetual development of our people to the glory of the Almighty God.

We herewith attach some relevant documents and a copy of our previous letter to parliament in 2020 on this very subject matter for your perusal and necessary action. You may visit our website: (,  Facebook, Twitter and YouTube channels or contact us via our address herein for more information on us.

Below are links to references on our programs such as Western Togoland Situation Room, Western Togoland Liberation Giraffe and Western Togoland – Ghana Union.

Thank you very much.


God bless you all.


Seth Mifetu


Following are a few of the links to our website, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube channels concerning our activities.




cc :  The Presidency, Republic of Ghana

The Speaker of Parliament

The Chief Justice

The National Security Ministry, Ghana

The National Security Co-ordinator

The inspector General of Police

Contacts : +352 661 923078

+134 721 36348


Criminal OrganizationPeoples’ Liberation CouncilPLCSecessionistWestern Togoland