Peregrinating the Meadow of Hon. Gizella Tetteh-Agbotui

Peregrinating the Meadow of Hon. Gizella Tetteh-Agbotui

Hon. Gizella Tetteh-Agbotui, the uncompromising and passionate advocate of qualitative progress of society which comprise of cultural refinement, environmental conservation, good neighborliness, general happiness, ease of doing Business etc. My proximity and regular discussions with her gives me a fair judgment of her views about gross domestic product (GDP) and economic growth. Even though she appreciates the debate of Economic Growth, she is not entirely enthused about it application as development benchmark. She at one point betrayed quantitative improvements such as economic growth using GDP. Of course you don’t have to be surprise, she is an architect in good standing so her dislike for obnubilate Economics diction without commonsense to the ordinary operating within artisanal space is justified. Quality of life has always been her standpoint from day one and subject of her interest.

Her life is full of rigor, discipline, strategy, strict guidelines for documentation on project but unrestricted acantha to solutionize problems that confront society. She is ideas driven person. Nothing is too complex for her. Her approach to complex challenges are basic remedies. She is approachable and has great sense of camaraderie. She doesn’t spend great deal of time worrying over problems, rather thinking about possible creative innovations to change situations for better. I see her emergence as a Parliamentary Candidate at this transition point as divine orchestration than accidental.

Her shibboleth has been to develop faster because we have fertile land and crop species, topography that can be harnessed into ecotourism. Her demeanor and dynamism is a reflection of a character who simply wants to leave a legacy. She is a great personality with a bit of everything that makes a better society. Spirited and religious with healthy blend of social content.

Life has a way of unfolding itself into destiny that great prophets and soothsayers with powers of divinity cannot protnostigate. That is certainly the story of Awutu Senya West Constituency. At this critical point we need a leader who can drive positive change and inspire development agenda. Auntie Gizi, you are a gift from God to us. May God enrich your beautiful life with great things you wish for yourself.


Kweku Ampong
Communications Officer.

AdvocatebusinesscompriseconservationculturalenvironmentalGizella Tetteh-AgbotuiGoodhappinessneighborlinesspassionateprogressqualitativeSociety