PLC Cautions Ghana against the Refusal to Implement UN Resolutions on Western Togoland

The PLC's statement comes in the wake of the commemoration of this year's Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Day which falls on September 21, to coincide with the passing of Queen Elizabeth II in the same month.
PLC Cautions Ghana against the Refusal to Implement UN Resolutions on Western Togoland

The People’s Liberation Council (PLC) of Western Togoland has once again cautioned the government of Ghana against its refusal to fix and implement the Union between the two nations – Ghana and Western Togoland as stipulated by the December 13, 1956 UN resolution 1044(XI) after the May 9, 1956 plebiscite that saw the annexation of Western Togoland as a ” colony” of Ghana.

In a statement released by the PLC on September 15, 2022, the Council stated that the myriads of challenges bedeviling the republic of Ghana since independence; the numerous military coups, unstable governments and bad governance, tribal bigotry, lack of patriotism, mismanagement, indiscipline, insatiable greed and self-centeredness, degenerated moral fiber, irresponsible religious and political leaders as well as the uncountable trips to the IMF and World Bank coupled with corruption and huge debts were all as a result of the Machiavellian antics of Ghana’s first president Dr. Kwame Nkrumah with the backing of Queen Elizabeth II of England  in the matter of the annexation of Western Togoland,  the marginalization of its people over the years  and the subsequent refusal of successive governments of the republic of Ghana to implement the UN resolution that established the Union between an independent Gold Coast and Western Togoland as an independent territory.

The statement added that not until the republic of Ghana takes the necessary democratic and constitutional steps to fix the Ghana-Western Togoland Union, the woes of Ghana will never end. The PLC’s statement comes in the wake of the commemoration of this year’s Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Day which falls on September 21, to coincide with the passing of Queen Elizabeth II in the same month.

Full statement below:

15th September 2022

To All Media Houses

Subject: Press Statement

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Press


The Poeples Liberation Council (PLC) of Western Togoland wish to use the occasion of this year’s commemoration of the Birthday of Dr Kwame Nkrumah by the government and people of the republic of Ghana which coincidentally is happening in the month of the demise of the British monarch Queen Elizabeth II whose country Britain, was Ghana’s colonial master, to again raise some legitimate concerns which we think that the government and people of Ghana should ponder over and reflect upon as they mark the birthday of their first president and mourn the death of Queen Elizabeth II the head of the Commonwealth which Ghana is a member of.

1• To start with the PLC wish to disassociate itself from these two happenings in that, we would neither celebrate the Birthday of Dr Kwame Nkrumah nor mourn the death of Queen Elizabeth II.  Dr. Kwame Nkrumah we believe was a ‘POLITICAL CRIMINAL’ whose birthday should not be marked with a public holiday as he deserves no such honour. The PLC is holding this view because Nkrumah, together with Britain and their UN collaborators have failed to respect this will of people of Western Togoland. It was Nkrumah who with the blessing of the Queen, forcefully Annexed Western Togoland into Ghana thereby depriving the people of Western Togoland of their liberties and freedoms. This is so because on May 9, 1956, the people plebiscite Western Togoland during the plebiscite voted to join their territory in UNION with independent Gold Coast (Ghana). The people never voted for forcible integration, recolonization, occupation or annexation that was supervised by Nkrumah with the backing of the Queen of England whose death the government and people of Ghana are unnecessarily mourning. Ever since this unjust and unfair annexation of Western Togoland, Ghana, Britain and their UN collaborators have found it difficult to understand and accept the will of the people of Western Togoland and continue to deprive the people of their will in contravention of the UN resolution 1514(XI) which in part affirms that: “All people have the inalienable right to complete freedom, the exercise of their sovereignty and integrity of their national territory”. The occupation or forceful integration of Western Togoland supervised by Nkrumah with the backing of Queen Elizabeth II is equally repugnant to the UN declaration of Human Rights Article 15, 1&2 which also says: “Everyone has the right to nationality, and no one shall be deprived of his nationality”. It is interesting to note that Nkrumah during the independence struggles of the Gold Coast expressed the inviolability of freedom, sovereignty and independence in a more forceful way thus: ” We prefer independence with danger to servitude in tranquility” but quickly backtracked on his own ideas and principles. The fact that Britain and Ghana have over these long years objected to and stood in the way of Western Togoland’s legitimate choice of UNION calls for no celebration of Dr Nkrumah a “POLITICAL CRIMINAL” and no mourning of Queen Elizabeth II, an imperialist whose clandestine actions and greed has led to the imposition of Ghana’s imperialism and colonization of Western Togoland and the wanton looting of our natural resources.


2• Indeed, justice and fairness demands that  the UNION the people of Western Togoland voted for on May 9, 1956 and approved by UN Resolution 1044(XI) must necessarily be accepted, respected and established but Nkrumah, the late Queen of Britain and their UN collaborators have failed to respected this will of the people and so we at the PLC believe that celebrating and mourning these two individuals respectively is an affront to the right to freedom, liberty and sovereignty of the people of Western Togoland whose demands are appropriate, right and  legitimate.

3• Worth recalling is an event which occurred prior to Ghana’s independence where some twenty three (23) chiefs from the Alavanyo, Kpedze, Ho and Kpando districts in Western Togoland have declared that they will not celebrate Ghana’s independence and were subsequently brutalized after Nkrumah unleashed the military forces  on them. The interior ministry at the time said in a statement that there was ample evidence that these chiefs (who were wrongly accused) were making preparations for violence during independence celebrations and that people were being trained in the use of fire arms, a flimsy excuse that saw the atrocities and brutalities meted out to these chiefs and their alleged cohorts. These chiefs from Western Togoland were said to have invoked curses on Ghana at the time.

  1. Indeed past and present events and

developments in Ghana- the numerous military coups, unstable governments and bad governance, tribal bigotry, the uncountable trips to the IMF and the World Bank, lack of patriotism, insatiable greed and self- centredness, mismanagement, indiscipline, degenerated moral fibre, bad and irresponsible religious and political leaders, huge debts and corruption, economic and social hardships are all due to the wickedness and heartlessness of Ghana’s first president Dr. Kwame Nkrumah and the inhumane treatment of the people of Western Togoland backed by the late Queen Elizabeth II. The PLC wish to state emphatically that not until Ghana takes the necessary democratic and constitutional steps to implement the demands of the people of Western Togoland the woes of modern day Ghana will never end and the county will continue to make costly economic, social and political mistakes without the resolve , willingness or capacity to correct them. “Ghana has recently been graded by Standard and Poor’s (S&P) and Fitch as a junk and highly speculative economy on the brink of default. The country Ghana is now being considered by many as a typical neo-colonialist state and its ability to recover and move forward to progress is in doubt, but has not yet been declared as a failed state. Thanks be to God there’s hope!

5• Finally the PLC believes that this is the time for Ghana to implement the will of the people of Western Togoland by respecting the outcome of the plebiscite and the UN resolution which was subverted and to immediately take the necessary steps to fix the UNION between the two nations (Ghana and Western Togoland) for a peaceful coexistence and development.

Long live Ghana, Long live Western Togoland, Long live Ghana+Western Togoland UNION.




bad GovernanceDr. Kwame NkrumahGhanaindisciplineinsatiable greedlack of patriotismmismanagementPeoples’ Liberation CouncilPLCQueen Elizabeth IITribal BigotryUN ResolutionsWestern Togoland