Police, Presidency, Parliament; who is more corrupt? be the judge

The multisectorial conspiracy to defraud the State can be best highlighted in Galamsey, Land Looting...
Police, Presidency, Parliament; who is more corrupt? be the judge

Never in the history of Ghana has corruption been so endemic that it is the only race in town.

Even the media, Moral Society including the Clergy and Civil Society are so corrupt that they are unable to play their guard dog role.

The cases of corruption are churned out so rapidly on the President’s conveyor belt that it is difficult to keep pace…

If development was happening at the pace of corruption in Ghana, Ghana would have been the most advanced nation in the world.

The multisectorial conspiracy to defraud the State can be best highlighted in Galamsey, Land Looting…

The Military’s involvement in Galamsey and Land Looting brings the most trusted institution in Ghana into the ring of Thieves, with Chiefs swimming in the dirty pond of corruption.

Judges were caught on tape selling judgement for tubers of yam, goats as though fufu & goat lightsoup was the equivalent of freedom or the lack of it.

Two former Chief Justices Sophia Akuffo and Georgina Theodora Woode as well as several members of both the Bwnch and the Bar were embroiled in fraudulent allocation of State Lands; indeed the current Chief Justice was at the centre of a similar Land related allegation and the subject of yet another Article 146 Petition which was handled by the President and the Council of State in a very unsatisfactory manner.

Justice Sophia Akuffo’s Article 146 Petition was never acted upon and the Council of State refused to answer if it was ever referred to them by President Akufo-Addo as required by the Constitution.

Justice Georgina Theodora Woode’s Article 146 Petition was not fully acted upon by President John Evans AttaMills, but made moot as the Land at the heart of the Petition was returned to the State and used for the benefit of the State; unlike Justice Sophia Akuffo who is still holding on to the prime Cantonments State Land worth millions but for which she paid GHc7000.

The Cathedral and COVID-19 scandals offer an insight into the personal involvement of the President around whom the corruption revolves like a globe on its axis.

So the Cathedral is still President Akufo-Addo’s Priority of Priorities today, despite where Ghana is today, regardless of what Ghanaians know about the corruption associated with the Cathedral he intends to build it, pa the Gay-LGBTQI Advocate David Adjaye more of Ghanaian poor taxpayers money under the guise of Churches mobilising money…

Money Laundering could be happening with the Cathedral Project Fundraising as the door has been left wide open just like it is with the fraudulent allocation of State Lands and Bungalows.

The Special Prosecutor and Ghana Police Service must be proactively investigating these like the Police proactively investigated the Cantonments Civil Aviation Land Looting without a complainant.

The corrupt Ghana Police, however, failed to name those it found to be the thieves, didn’t arrest the the thieves and is looking on as the thieves continue demolish State Bungalows to develop the State Lands acquiredby the State, from the La Stool purposely for Civil Aviation purposes not private residential or commercial purposes, yet not returned to the Original Land Owners in this case the La Stool as required by the Constitution.

The Nii Kpobi Tettey Tsuru vs Attorney General judgement is a travesty of justice requiring a Judicial Review.

It is a blot on the Justice delivery system that has opened the floodgates for the Land Looters and Corrupt Government officials to steal State Lands as is happening, a typical example being the Stephen Ntim State Lands Stealing and Selling alleged by Kennedy Agyepong.

All State Acquired Lands must be retrieved and returned to the State or Original Land Owners.

The recent 200acres of CSIR Lands that were retrieved from squatters must be completed, the remaining 800acres of encroached CSIR Lands must also be retrieved and not regularised to become personal property of squatters rather than the State or the Original Land Owners.

Parliament must show the way, a bipartisan Enquiry into all State Acquired Lands, including the Achimota Forest and other Forest reserves, Estuaries, Lagoons and Ramsar sites is urgent to tale inventory of all State Lands and State Landed properties including Bungalows and other installations which theft impact the public purse.

The gluttonous Moral and Civil Society complicity in corruption and eating from corrupt persons has made fighting corruption impossible thus the State Capture.

State Capture is the ultimate in corruption and Ghana has achieved it.

Every sector in Ghana particularly the financial has been taken over by   a small group of people around President Akufo-Addo, his family and their friends and business associates.

Carefully examine the PDS Scandal to see the modus operandus of those capturing all State Assets.

Look closely at the First Bond given to Franklin Templeton and 25 anonymous companies and the companies that benefit from Ghana’s binge borrowing and it will be clear why Ken Ofori-Atta and Charles Adu Boahen borrowed Ghana into this debt distressed ditch.

Follow the Tax Haven registration of Agyaapa Royalties and other State entities in the Cayman, Virgin Islands and Dominican Republic by the Akufo-Addo government.

Juxtapose these Tax Avoidance schemes with the Ken Ofori-Atta and Kelli Gadzekpo owned Tax Avoidance Company exposed in the Panama Papers by an international team of investigators and journalists…

Why must Ghanaians pay nuisance taxes under President Akufo-Addo to Ken Ofori-Atta when they don’t pay taxes or avoid taxes?

The Frontier Healthcare Service was registered in a tax haven, handed a lucrative COVID-19 Screening deal by the President on the back of an Executive Instrument when he closed all entry into Ghana except the Kotoka International Airport where they charged every passenger $150 for entering Ghana…

Zoomlion was given GHc153Million of COVID-19 Funds for an unnecessary Fumigation which the President personally promoted.

Parliament in the quest to protect the Public Purse, must ensure that the COVID-19 Fund which President Akufo-Addo appointed Justice Sophia Akuffo to oversee is forensically audited together with the Vaccine procurements, PPE production, Free Food, Free Water and Free Electricity as well as the COVID-19 LEVY.

President Akufo-Addo’s Executive Instrument giving the Ada Salt and Lagoon to McDan through Electrochem must be the subject of a Parliamentary Enquiry or the Special Prosecutor’s investigation.

The Sir John Achimota Forest Will should be an eye-opener for a careful scrutiny of the Heist being foist on Ghanaians by government officials.

Ghanaians are resolved to be Citizens and not Spectators.

Ghana is Broke and Bankrupt become its Funds, Lands and Assets because of State Capture which has allowed persons close to the President and his Government to be taken over by private persons for personal gain using public office; the very definition of corruption.

Clemence Gyato and Anyok Holdings; the very definition of a Landguard and a Vigilante group have been contracted by the Akufo-Addo government despite the passage of the Anti-Landguard and Anti-Vigilantism Law by Parliament  which were signed by President Akufo-Addo.

The Ministry of Lands and the Lands Commission confirmed that the Lands Ministry had an agreement with Clemence Gyato and Anyok Holdings instead of the Ghana Police Service, to reclaim encroached State Lands and be paid with portions of the State Lands which is shared with some government officials.

The Office of the President is designated Corruption Headquarters, Eugene Arhin whose wife has exposed his assets Acquired in the short period she has been employed at the Office of the President has not spoken to the corruption tag on President Akufo-Addo’s Jubilee House where his colleague Charles Bissiu was caught on tape collecting bribes to aid Galamsey nor the PartyuNuHiaSika nor Sakawa Boys…

AriseGhana Youth for your country.

Do not wait for the inevitable collapse of Ghana, the State Capture by a few, the Media Capture by the propaganda Databank Research and a Sri Lanka style or Arab Spring type Uprising…

We can together RESCUE GHANA if we fight the CULTURE OF SILENCE currently being forced on Ghanaians especially corruption crusaders like Martin Kpebu, Yao Domelevo…

God Save Our Homeland Ghana and help us RESIST OPPRESSOR’S RULE and all of Ghana’s Corruption Heavyweights.





By Prince-Derek Adjei
