President Akufo-Addo’s Ratings In The Gutters

-As Thousands Boo Him Off Stage At Global Citizens Festival
President Akufo-Addo’s Ratings In The Gutters

The corruption and economic mismanagement of the Akufo-Addo administration has caught up with it as President Akufo-Addo was heaped with scorn at the Black Star Square on Saturday when he mounted the podium to deliver a speech at the 2022 Global Citizen Festival.

In a scandal of awkwardness, the Ghanaian president was hooted at by patrons who also heckled him by clapping and chanting “away, away, away.”

The President with a battered image and a poster boy for one of the worst Presidents since independence, attempted to appease the crowd by reminding them that the whole world was watching: “The whole world is in Ghana today,” he pleaded to the disgruntled crowd, but the crowd would not stop until a crestfallen President was led away.

Thousands had attended the event and the youth appeared not to be happy at all with Akufo-Addo whose administration has been punctuated by scandals, from election rigging, to financial impropriety, to sexual misconduct and secreting money into building a cantankerous National Cathedral project.

Video of the shaming of Akufo-Addo has since gone viral on social-media.

Global Citizen is the world’s most significant movement of action-takers and impact makers dedicated to ending extreme poverty NOW.

The voices of millions of global citizens worldwide are driving lasting change towards sustainability, equality, and humanity by taking action every day.

The event started as a music festival where fans act to end extreme poverty and earn free tickets to attend.

This year’s event in Ghana has received massive reviews from physically present patrons and those who joined online from their homes.

Performances from Stormzy, Sarkodie, Usher, Gyakie, Stonebwoy and others have left massive footprints on Ghana’s memory as this concert has been touted by industry players as the most organized sound engineering ever!

Source: whatsupnewsghana


2022 Global Citizen FestivalGuttersGyakiepresident Akufo-AddoRatingsSarkodieSTONEBWOYStormzyusher