PRESIDENT MAHAMA: Have you received reports of the whispered protests over the recent MILITARY postings, promotions and appointments? – Owula Mangortey asks

PRESIDENT MAHAMA: Have you received reports of the whispered protests over the recent MILITARY postings, promotions and appointments? – Owula Mangortey asks

I am a Citizen.

I am a Whistleblower with a known face and address.

I rise to ask the highly respected PRESIDENT MAHAMA whether you will address the concerns and silent protests over the recent MILITARY postings, promotions and appointments when you assume office on 7th January, 2020.

There is some disquiet over the 5th February, 2020 Military High Command’s

Signed by Air Commodore MK APPIAH-AGYEKUM, the Military Secretary, the release contains some of the underlisted promotions, appointments and postings which have gotten some Officers and ORs flummoxed:

(1). Brigadier- General CB Alhassan…..Defence Attaché (DA) Brasilia, Brazil.

(2). Brigadier- General MK Kporku…..DA Berlin, Germany.

(3). Col. S.Y. Asare (promoted to Brigadier- General)…..DA Pretoria, South Africa.
(4). Col. C. Adu-Bempong….. MATS (GMA) Dep Command.

(5). Col. K. Amissah- Mensah….. GHQ (DCIS) DDG.

(6). Col. ZB Ayorrogo….. GHQ (PM) PM

Attention to ACTS for Combat Team Commanders Course for period 10 Jan – 8 May 2020.

(7). Major R. Koleyevu….. FPR

(8). Major P. Afrah…..Ammr Trg Sch.

(9). Major PS Adablah…..3 Bn

(10). Major LF Sarpong….. 48 Engineers Regiment

(11). Major N. Nsiah GHQ (DI).

(12). Major F. Poku…..66 Atty Regt.

(13). Major R. Ahey… Army HQ.

(14). Major GG Klu- Amereka….. GHQ (S&T).

(15). Major HK Adu….. Army HQ.

Your Excellency President Mahama, I have utmost respect for the current Chief of Defence, Lt. General Obed Akwa.

From when he served deligently as ADC to President Kufuor, General Akwa has been well spoken of as distinguishing himself in serving professionally in sensitive positions under Presidents Mills, Mahama and Nana Akufo-Addo.

I don’t hear the same commendation made of some of the Officers of the Military High Command.

In the last year or so I have watched closely some of Gen. Akwa’s colleagues in the Military High Command, my impression is that some of them do not show any joy, any enthusiasm and commitment to the Chief of Defence Staff.

Some of them go about with tight faces all the time. They can’t cheer up.

The reason may not be far- fetched.

Some of them probably look back to those days that they were junior Officers.

Some of them probably still consider the CDS as the junior Officer next door who they played the boyish pranks with.

Some of them may probably not understand why and how Lt. General Akwa could become the nation’s Chief of Defence Staff.

Your Excellency, President Mahama, the CDS probably faces the same problem Jesus had to face with his home town people.

Those who knew Jesus and his background often said: ” Aah, is it not the same fellow who was born in a goat shed because his father had no money to pay for a motel?”

Your Excellency President Mahama, respectfully, you will need to pass on this piece of advice to your Chief of Defence Staff in 2021:
“Your greatest risk is from your boyhood friends, those who grew up with you in the barracks. Keep them at arm’s length and you will live long and you will be able to serve successfully.”

Respectfully submitted, Your Excellency President Mahama.


Owula Mangortey
11th February, 2020.

AddressAppointmentsCitizenConcernsMilitarypostingsPresident MahamapromotionsprotestssilentWhistleblower