Prof. Nana Ama Browne Klutse attends Kormantse Okyir Bentsir festival 2023

Prof. Klutse urged traditional leaders in the community to enact and implement by-laws that will help in promoting the education and progress of the community.

An Associate Professor and Head of Physics Department of the University of Ghana, Professor Nana Ama Browne Klutse, who also doubles as the Co-Chair on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change of the United Nations joined the Chiefs and people of Kormantse to celebrate this year’s Okyir Festival.

This was at the invitation of the Kormantse Okyir Festival Planning Committee for her to serve as the Guest Speaker.

The theme for this year’s Okyir festival was “Let Us Rise and Build”. It was crafted to paint a picture in everyone’s mind to ensure the Community of Kormantse and the country understood their respective roles and responsibilities in contributing their quota to the development of society.

She assured the gathering that voting for the next NDC government will bring progress and economic relief to Ghanaians.

Prof. Klutse admonished parents to pay critical attention to their children’s education and that they must urge them to study hard to achieve their future aspirations since without proper education their lives would mess up.

Prof. Kluste as a female advocate advised the local girls to strive in their education so they can cross the hurdles of life and become responsible women in society.

Reacting to the recent climate change issues in Ghana, Prof Klutse revealed that the sea levels have risen and are changing the state of the marine environment, she cautioned the festival celebrants to be very careful on how to dispose of plastic waste, since these materials are washed into the sea, which affect marine life.

She also educated the Fisher folks on the growth of phytoplankton under the sea, which serves as feed for fish consumption but has been hindered by these plastic wastes.

Prof. Klutse urged traditional leaders in the community to enact and implement by-laws that will help in promoting the education and progress of the community.

As an astute NDC party member, she used the opportunity to admonish all to pray for the flag bearer of the party – His Excellency John Mahama, for strength and health and vote massively for the NDC in the forthcoming 2024 general elections, and also vote for the parliamentary candidate in the area, Dr. Prince Kojo Arhin as the MP for Mfantsiman so that John Mahama can end the suffering and untold economic hardships on Ghanaians.

Earlier in the day, Prof Klutse joined the family, friends, and NDC party members at Cape Coast for the “Dahy3” or one week observation of the late Araba Tagoe, who was a NEC member before her passing.

Again, Prof. continued to Abura Asebu to join party members, including His Excellency John Dramani Mahama, Former Chief of Staff Julius Debrah, the Central Regional Chairman Prof. Richard Kofi Asiedu, the Parliamentary Candidate for AAK Felix Kwakye Ofosu, Constituency Chairman and Executives, and other Regional executives and appointees, friends, and family of the Late J.E Afful, a former member of Parliament of the Abura Asebu Kwamankese constituency from 1996 to 2000.

Brief Profile

Professor Nana Ama Browne Klutse was born on 23rd May 1981 at Nyanfeku Ekroful. She had her primary education at the Anomabo Methodist Primary and JHS.

She continued to Mfantseman Girls Secondary school and later to University of Cape Coast to read BSc Physics. She pursued her PhD on Climatology at the University of Cape Town in South Africa.

She is currently representing Ghana in the United Nations on Climate Change, including being the Head of Physics Department at the University of Ghana.

She has contested NDC Parliamentary primaries in the Abura Asebu Kwamankesee Constituency on two occasions.

By Lawrence Odoom

Kormantse Okyir Bentsir festival 2023Prof. Nana Ama Browne Klutse
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