Protecting the Public Purse: Activities and Funding of the National Security must be probed

National Security has become a blank cheque for any amount and for hushing virtually anything.
Protecting the Public Purse: Activities and Funding of the National Security must be probed


President Akufo-Addo claims that the settling of Chieftaincy disputes accounts for the bulk of the National Security budget which is not accounted for to anybody, not even Parliament.

National Security has become a blank cheque for any amount and for hushing virtually anything.

National Security is synonymous with avoiding ACCOUNTABILITY; the recent classification of all matters relating to the Presidential Jet rides by Akufo-Addo including the cost as TOP SECRET National Security issue to avoid being scrutinised by Parliament is a classic example…


National Security’s infamous Col. Opoku who has been promoted to Brigadier General in charge of the 64 Battalion by President Akufo-Addo has been named by Serwah Broni as one of the mediators in their Sex Scandal.

Col. Opoku prior to his promotion had been named in the INFAMOUS Ayawaso West Wuogon Election Violence saga and the National Security abduction and torture of Journalists from Citi FM and Citi TV…

Serwaa Broni further claimed that the money given to some prominent people to be used for settling the dìspute between her and President Nana Akufo-Addo over their amorous relationship was STOLEN by them…

Was the mediation money from National Security?

The Deputy National Security Coordinator turned ‘Presidential PIMP’ Hopeson Adorye paid GHc20,000 to Serwaa Broni, booked her a hotel room which he is alleged to have broken into after staging an armed robbery using National Security Officers to steal her phone and stall her while Hopeson Adorye combs through her laptop for videos, pictures, messages and audios of President Nana Akufo-Addo and Serwah…

Secret Recodings made in the office of the Police CID, Maame Tiwaa Addo Dankwa, who has been promoted by President Akufo-Addo to head EOCO have been made public…

In the damming viral audio recording; Maame Tiwaa and her deputies were heard in a discussion with Serwaa Broni and Hopeson Adorye confirming the hotel break-in, staged robbery, the GHc20,000 school fees payment, Presidential Jet rides with Serwah Broni and other aspects of the Serwaa Broni/Akufo-Addo scandal which the CID promised to investigate…

National Security must officially speak to the Serwaa Broni/Akufo-Addo scandal, confirming or denying the allegations of criminality made against National Security…

Did any National Security money find its way into the Serwaa Broni affair?

President Akufo-Addo is the Chairman of the National Security Council, he must Speak directly to the Serwaa Broni affair as calls for Article 69 of the Constitution to be triggered intensifies…

Article 69 of 1992 Constitution:


1. The President shall be removed from office if he is found, in accordance with the
provisions of this article-
a. to have acted in willful violation of the oath of allegiance and the presidential oath set out in the Second Schedule to, or in willful violation of any other provision of, this Constitution; or
b. to have conducted himself in a manner-
i. which brings or is likely to bring the high office of President into
disrepute, ridicule or contempt; or
ii. prejudicial or inimical to the economy or the security of the State; or
c. to be incapable of performing the functions of his office by reason of infirmity of body or mind.

2. For the purposes of the removal from office of the President, a notice in writing-
a. signed by not less than one-third of all the members of Parliament, and
b. stating that the conduct or the physical or mental capacity of the President be investigated on any of the grounds specified in clause (1) of this article,
shall be given to the Speaker who shall immediately inform the Chief Justice and deliver the notice to him copied to the President.

3. The notice referred to in clause (2) of this article shall be accompanied by a statement in writing setting out in detail the facts, supported by the necessary documents, on which it is claimed that the conduct or the physical or mental capacity of the President be investigated for the purposes of his removal from office.

4. Subject to clause (5) of this article, the Chief Justice shall, by constitutional instrument, immediately convene a tribunal consisting of the Chief Justice as Chairman and the four most senior Justices of the Supreme Court and the tribunal shall inquire, in camera, whether there is a prima facie case for the removal of the President.

5. Where a notice under clause (2) of this article is delivered to the Chief Justice in respect of the removal from of tile President, on the grounds of physical or mental incapacity Chief Justice shall, in consultation with the professional head of the Ghana Health Services, cause a medical board to be convened which shall consist of not less than four eminent medical specialists and the President shall be informed accordingly.

6. The President shall be invited to submit himself for examination by the medical board within fourteen days after the appointment of the board.

7. The President shall be entitled during the proceedings of the tribunal or of the medical board to be heard in his defence by himself or by a lawyer or other expert or person as the case may be, of his own choice.


Ghanaians must demand ACCOUNTABILITY from the National Security and the MONEY allocated to National Security from the taxes paid by poor Ghanaian taxpayers…

Ghana is BROKE and HIGHLY DEBT DISTRESSED, the economy has all but collapsed, the Cedi is rapidly depreciating, inflation is soaring imposing unbearable hardship on Ghanaians…

We must protect the Public Purse.

National Security must be probed by Parliament, nothing can be off limits…


By Prince Derek Adjei

activitiesfundingHopeson AdoryeNational Securitypresident Nana Akufo-AddoProbeProtectpublic purseRoberrySerwaa Broni