RESETTING GHANA’S ENVIRONMENT: Ban All Mining, Arrest All Galamsey Kingpins, Follow the Money, Create Alternative livelihood, Repair Damage…

Ghana needs a RESET of its Rivers, Water Bodies, Farmlands, and Forests to the pre-Galamsey situation - FACTORY RESET.

The tracing of unexplained wealth especially the Land Lootings and buildings where State Bungalows once stood will lead us to Galamsey Kingpins like Kate Gyamfuah who together with the Governor of the Bank of Ghana and other high-profile persons have annexed the prime Cantonments Civil Aviation Land with monies suspected to be laundered…

To effectively fight against Galamsey, no Galamseyers must be allowed to enter the Executive, Legislature, and Judiciary or be near the Bank of Ghana.

Any known Galamseyer in any of the three arms of government must be flushed out immediately.

Any Galamseyers in any political party or being Sponsored to become an MP, President or Vice President in the upcoming election must be blocked…


Citizens’ Arrest of all known Galamseyers starting with those mentioned in the Prof. Frimpong-Boateng Galamsey Report must commence if the State refuses to act.

The Aljazeera GoldMafia Documentary must be immediately investigated to break the Galamsey Syndicate and apprehend the BIG GUYS…

The Gold-For-Oil and any other Gold-related transactions must be investigated…

The refusal of the Akufo-Addo-Bawumia government to declare a STATE OF EMERGENCY and an immediate ban on Mining and the lame excuses being made by the Lands Minister, Samuel Abu Jinapor was expected…

Sending a Galamseyer to stop Galamsey can only bring the results Ghanaians are crying about.

George Mireku Duker was involved in Galamsey, his Galamsey gang was involved in a bloody gang war with a rival Galamsey gang…

Sir John was involved in every Forest Degradation including annexation of the Achimota Forest Reserve lands FOREVER, as stated in his will…

Benito Owusu-Bio was involved in every State Land Looting…

Asenso Boakye was involved in every State Bungalow Grabbing…

Cecilia Dapaa was to oversee Sanitation and Water Resources, we all know what happened.

Samuel Abu Jinapor is in charge of Ghana’s Lands, Forests, and Mineral Resources and so the state of these reflects on President Akufo Addo who appointed him, and why he has not sacked him if he is not satisfied with his output.

THE STATE OF EMERGENCY MUST START WITH THE SACKING OF SAMUEL ABU JINAPOR and others, the arrest and prosecution of many more…

The tracing of unexplained wealth especially the Land Lootings and buildings where State Bungalows once stood will lead us to Galamsey Kingpins like Kate Gyamfuah who together with the Governor of the Bank of Ghana and others have annexed the prime Cantonments Civil Aviation Land.

If Galamsey Money cannot be spent or Laundered, Galamsey will stop.

Prime lands have become the currency for Galamsey; the Galamseyers hide their money in Land Transactions and buildings on these State Lands allocated to them by Samuel Abu Jinapor and State Bungalows allocated to them by Asenso Boakye.

The Lands Ministry, Lands Commission, and the Ministry of Works and Housing hold the key to the Galamsey menace…

Nationwide Stikes, Demonstrations, and Citizens Arrests may become necessary to get the Akufo Addo-Bawumia government to act;

Ghanaians already know some of the major culprits in this Galamsey menace…

Some have been named in the Prof. Frimpong-Boateng Galamsey Report and the Aljazeera GoldMafia Documentary categorically stated that COUSINS AND NEPHEWS FRONT FOR PRESIDENT AKUFO- ADDO IN THE ILLICIT EXPORT OF GALAMSEY GOLD.

Galamsey Gold must be treated like Blood Diamonds…




By Prince-Derek Adjei

Alternative livelihoodArrestAsenso-BoakyeBan MiningdamageenvironmentGalamsey KingpinsMoneyResetting GhanaSamuel Abu Jinapor