Secret Galamsey Closed Door Meetings: Akufo-Addo shut door on Ghanaians

Asantehene Otumfuor Osei Tutu II was right when he bluntly told the American Ambassador that "President Akufo-Addo is responsible for Ghana's Galamsey mess."
Secret Galamsey Closed Door Meetings: Akufo-Addo shut door on Ghanaians

Akufo-Addo says he wants an All-Hands-On-Deck fight against Galamsey, that All Ghanaians must help win the lost fight against Galamsey then went into hiding…

Akufo-Addo told the Chiefs that they were 80% responsible for Galamsey.

Akufo-Addo didn’t sack any of his Galamsey DCEs or Ministers.

Akufo-Addo has not ordered any Arrests nor Prosecutions of persons he [all Ghanaians] know to be involved in Galamsey or Galamsey Village Vigilantes or sponsors of Private Galamsey Militia and Private Army.

President Akufo-Addo is not serious about fighting Galamsey;

Asantehene Otumfuor Osei Tutu II was right when he bluntly told the American Ambassador that “President Akufo Addo is responsible for Ghana’s Galamsey mess.”

Hon. Ibrahim Mutala and most CSOs are spot on when they say “President Akufo-Addo is the GALAMSEY ENABLER.”

Ghanaians are angry with Galamsey and its threat to their lives, livelihoods and the existence of Ghana.

As President of Ghana, Akufo-Addo and his Galamsey promoting Government are fixated on make belief fights against Galamsey, slogan smoke screen Galamsey Operations and Taskforces?

Community Mining means Galamsey in Communities exclusively controlled by Party and Government officials which is just a notch above the earlier ban on Small Scale Mining so they could cleanse the industry of non-NPP elements…

As Commander-in-Chief of the Ghana Armed Forces, Akufo-Addo has not taken any action against Men in Ghana Armed Forces uniforms protecting Chinese Galamseyers?

Those who deployed the Military to sustain Galamsey while pretending to fight Galamsey have not been sanctioned…

As Chairman of the National Security Council, Akufo-Addo is not on top of his Galamsey briefing, he does not even know how the most celebrated Galamseyer, Aisha Huang gets in an out of Ghana and still does her Galamsey business?

As NPP whatever, Akufo-Addo is blind to its National Officers, Regional Executives all the way to Polling Station Executives and Party Vigilante groups [Delta Force] being deeply involved in Galamsey.

Akufo-Addo has the guts to tell Ghanaians to take politics out of the Galamsey fight when nearly everybody in his Political Party is neck deep in Galamsey…

Chairman Wuntumi, Ekow Ewusi, Kate Gyamfuah and the list goes on and on and on…

Nearly everybody in Akufo-Addo’s village is involved somehow in Galamsey or affected by its effects on the Birim or the current flooding…

Owureku, Sam, Orku and the list goes on and on and on…

Most people in his government are alleged to be complicit in Galamsey yet calls all Ghanaian Chiefs to put 80% of Galamsey blame on them…

Charles Bissiu, Frimpong-Boateng George Mireku Duker and the list goes on and on and on…

Akufo Addo announces increases Cocoa producer prices when nobody is interested in buying Ghana’s polluted Cocoa, signs syndicated Loan with Local Ghanaian banks that may become exposed possibly collapsing, once the Cocoa fails to sell internationally [EU & Japanese ban on Ghana’s Cocoa]…

Either Akufo Addo is telling Ghanaians that he’s too dumb and unfit to be President or taking all Ghanaians for Fools.

Ghanaians are resolved to be Citizens and not Spectators.

Ghanaians are done with the empty talk, President Akufo-Addo either starts arresting and prosecuting Galamseyers and their accomplices or be seen an the NUMBER ONE ACCOMPLICE OF GALAMSEY and the primary reason why Galamsey is thriving in Ghana.

AriseGhana Youth for your country.

Soon there will be no Ghana and all Ghanaians will be DEAD or DISEASE striken or DEFORMITIES from Galamsey poisons because Akufo-Addo chose to do nothing but talk-talk-talk…

Ghanaians are paying higher water Tariffs for water because Galamsey has polluted all Ghana’s rivers and water bodies but soon will be importing WATER from China because Akufo-Addo chose to do nothing but talk-talk-talk…

Soon Ghanaians will be importing YAM and all its FOOD from China possibly directly from our “Akonta” Aisha Huang because Akufo-Addo chose to do nothing but talk-talk-talk…

Ghanaians will suffer severe CLIMATE CHANGE phenomena like floods, drought, heatwaves and tsunamis because Galamsey destroyed our forests and Akufo-Addo chose to do nothing but talk-talk-talk…

As for OccupyGhana, the army Gluttonous Journalists DumbDogs and the PartyuNuHiaSika guys; Ghanaians know them for what they really are…

While Akufo-Addo does nothing blame everybody else for Galamsey and expects Ghanaians to be shouting slogans…


God Save Our Homeland Ghana and help us survive the WASTED YEARS OF THE AKUFO ADDO-ADDO-BAWUMIA GOVERNMENT.


By Prince-Derek Adjei

AkyemClosed Door MeetinggalamseyGhanaiansillegal miningManhyiapresident Akufo-Addo