Spares Dealers at Abossey Okai Warn Politicians against using the area as campaign ground 

"Abossey Okai is not to be monopolized by any political party. It serves as a critical business center for our members and the wider community,"

The Abossey Okai Spares Dealers Association has issued a stern warning to politicians who have been using the area as a campaign ground without prior authorization from the Association. In a statement released today, the Association emphasized that Abossey Okai is first and foremost a business center, not a political arena.

“As we approach the December 7 elections, it has come to our notice that politicians have been utilizing our business area for political activities without seeking permission,” stated Takyi Addo, Head of Communications for the Association. “We wish to clarify that such behavior will no longer be tolerated.”

The statement underscores the Association’s commitment to maintaining Abossey Okai’s status as a hub for commercial activities. “We urge all political parties and their representatives to respect our protocols by seeking permission before engaging with our members or using our premises for political purposes,” Addo added.

Highlighting the importance of this directive, the Association expressed its readiness to manage any potential issues that may arise from unauthorized political activities in the area.

“Abossey Okai is not to be monopolized by any political party. It serves as a critical business center for our members and the wider community,” the statement affirmed.

The Association called on all political actors to adhere strictly to these guidelines.

“This statement serves as a clear message: Abossey Okai is a business center, not a political arena. We expect full compliance from all political parties,” Addo emphasized.

The Abossey Okai Spares Dealers Association has therefore encouraged interested parties to contact their leadership directly.

Abossey Okaicampaign groundpoliticiansSpares Dealerswarning