Statement by the United Nations Support Mission in Libya regarding the Outcome of the 6+6 Committee

The Mission urges all players to refrain from delay tactics aimed at prolonging the stalemate, which has caused so much suffering for the people of Libya.
Statement by the United Nations Support Mission in Libya regarding the Outcome of the 6+6 Committee

UNSMIL takes note of the outcome of the work of the 6+6 HoR-HCS Committee which met in Bouzniqa, Kingdom of Morocco, from 22 May to 6 June 2023 to develop draft electoral laws for the presidential and parliamentary elections. The Mission appreciates the efforts made by the 6+6 Committee and thanks the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco for hosting the Committee.

UNSMIL recognises that important elements of the electoral laws and associated issues require buy-in and support from a broad range of Libyan institutions, civil society representatives, including women and youth, and political and security actors, to allow inclusive, credible and successful elections to take place. As such, the Mission will continue to work with all relevant Libyan institutions, including the Presidential Council, to facilitate a process amongst all actors to address the contested elements of the electoral framework, secure the necessary political agreement on the path to elections, and enable a level playing field for all candidates.

UNSMIL calls on all Libyan actors to engage, in a spirit of compromise, to address all outstanding issues and create a safer and more conducive environment for the holding of elections in 2023. The Mission urges all players to refrain from delay tactics aimed at prolonging the stalemate, which has caused so much suffering for the people of Libya.

In keeping with its mandate, UNSMIL reaffirms its commitment to the holding of transparent, inclusive and credible elections to allow the people of Libya to choose their representatives freely and renew the legitimacy of the country’s institutions.

It should be recalled that the 6+6 Joint Commission, made up of the parliament sitting in Eastern Libya and the High Council of State (HCS), met in Bouznika, South-west of Rabat, from 22 May to 6 June 2023. The aim was to find common ground on the legal texts that are supposed to govern the presidential and legislative elections, which were initially scheduled for December 2021 before being postponed indefinitely.

“The members of the committee reached an agreement on the laws governing the presidential and legislative elections”, declared Jalal Chouehdi, representing Parliament, at a press conference in Bouznika on Tuesday night.

“There remains only the ratification (of the texts of laws) by the Parliament”, underlined Omar Boulifa, head of the delegation of the HCS.

6+6 CommitteeMission in LibyaOmar BoulifaoutcomeParliamentstatementUnited NationsUNSMIL