Statement: Mother’s Day wishes from the General Supt. of the Assemblies of God Church

It is a fact of life that, apart from God, we owe our Mothers our own existence.
Statement: Mother’s Day wishes from the General Supt. of the Assemblies of God Church



Once again, Mother’s Day is here with us – a special day for all mothers – not just biological mothers, but also spiritual and mentoring mothers. Our Elders say, it takes one woman to give birth, but it takes a lot of people to raise the child. It is in this context that I pray God’s blessings over the many women out there, who are taking good care of various children.

It is a fact of life that, apart from God, we owe our Mothers our own existence. They were the first faces we saw when we were born. Our Mothers are imprinted on our hearts and souls, no matter the circumstances – past or future. We read from 2 Timothy 1:5 that Timothy was the product of Great Mothers. If the faith in Grandma Lois can get to Timothy though Mama Eunice, then it is the great work both mothers did. And I believe we have several of such virtuous women in this nation. To all such women, may the Lord crown your effort and may your labour never be in vain. To all women who are taking care of other people’s children, mentoring other people’s children and attending to other people’s children, may the Lord meet you at the very point of your need.

I know that in some homes, some mothers are peeved and hurt, others have regretted giving birth or taking care of other people’s children, and some have even gone to the extent of cursing their own children. I am also aware of sons and daughters who are groaning, with others holding grudges against their biological mothers, step-mothers, guardians or spiritual mothers. My appeal is that let us allow the peace of God to reign in our hearts. Let’s all find places in our hearts to forgive and embrace each other. Let all wounds be healed and let us forge together as one big family.

On this Special Day, I call on all sons and daughters, to take a moment to see, say and/or send our Mothers something unique and memorable. If possible, make time to take them out; and please do not wait for Mothers’ Day before showing this gesture. Make it a regular feature.

It is interesting to note, that Ghanaians refer to Ghana as their motherland. I urge all to extend the appreciation they have for their mothers to Ghana, in spite of the difficulties we may be going through. For God is with us.
Happy Mother’s Day!!!

Rev. Prof. Paul Frimpong-Manso
General Superintendent

Assemblies of GodchurchGeneral SuperintendentGhanaMother’s DayMotherlandstatement