Stop the Nonsense: Plundering of the Public Purse, Land Looting and using Coercion and Impunity to govern

The impunity of the President, Chief of Staff and the Finance Minister's creation of a Pot of taxpayers money at the Office of the President which they dole out without any accountability has finally been blocked by Parliament.
Stop the Nonsense: Plundering of the Public Purse, Land Looting and using Coercion and Impunity to govern

The President, Defence Minister, Interior Minister, National Security Minister, Lands Minister, Lands Commission, Special Prosecutor, Attorney General, the Chief of Defence Staff and the Inspector General of Police (IGP) are not committed to ending the Landgrab, Landguardism and the prosecution of Perpetrators most of whom are their colleagues, cronies, family, friends and business associates.

The phenomenon of using brute force against Ghanaians has been manifest in Military and Police brutality…

The impunity of the President, Chief of Staff and the Finance Minister’s creation of a Pot of taxpayers money at the Office of the President which they dole out without any accountability has finally been blocked by Parliament.

The Speaker of Parliament has stated categorically that no business of government especially from the Finance Ministry will be approved by Parliament until they start accounting for funds so far spent on COVID-19, Cathedral and other Corruption-laden expenditure.

The Speaker of Parliament also charged its Select Committee on Defence and Interior to take proactive steps in visiting the scenes of reported atrocities such as the Islamic Senior High School and demanded investigation reports from the Inspector General of Police…

The Shukura Shooting Spree by a group of Landguards including a soldier and other thugs dressed as soldiers arrested by the residents and handed over to the Dansoman Police after they attempted to steal land on behalf of an official at the Office of the President must not be left to be treated like the Dome Faase Military Landguards who were nearly lynched by residents…

The Military complicity in Galamsey and Landguardism is growing because each time they are allowed to pretend to investigate themselves and no report is made public.

The Kpletso Shooting and Assault of unarmed journalists and citizens of La by heavily armed Landguards in Ghana Army Uniform was to be investigated by the

Military High Command as communicated in their 16th April, 2021 Press Release but till date after several injured and two deaths; neither the President Akufo Addo nor Defence Minister, Dominic Nititul has publicly acknowledged the Kpletso Shooting and Assault case nor offered support for the victims, condolences to the bereaved families but rather looking on as the prime Land is stolen in the name of the Ghana Armed Forces.

The President, Defence Minister, Interior Minister, National Security Minister, Lands Minister, Lands Commission, Special Prosecutor, Attorney General, the Chief of Defence Staff and the Inspector General of Police are not committed to ending the Landgrab, Landguardism and the prosecution of Perpetrators most of whom are their colleagues, cronies, family, friends and business associates.

The Kpletso Shooting and Assault occurred in the presence of DCOP Kwesi Ofori and other senior Police officers from the Greater Accra Regional Police Command, the Cantonments Divisional Police Command and La District Police Command yet there was no independent Police investigation nor report despite a petition and request made to the Inspector General of Police.

The people involved in the Land Looting are so high up in government that the Police is afraid to investigate;

The unruly men in Ghana Army uniforms and the officers who ordered the deployment of armed soldiers and equipment to Kpletso on 15th April, 2021 can easily be found out, arrested and prosecuted to serve as deterrent to others…

Sadly, shortly after the Kpletso Shooting and Assault by hoodlums in Ghana Army Uniform, the Ejura Shooting Spree and Wa Beating Spree by persons in Military uniforms occurred…

Since then there have been many more and now the Senior Police officers have been fingered in Landguard activities and stealing of Lands…

The Police has failed to name the faceless persons stealing the Cantonments Civil Aviation Land.

Samuel Abu Jinapor has also failed to stop the thieves stealing the Cantonments Civil Aviation Land under his watch except to lament that powerful people have been coming to his office to pressure him to allocate these prime lands to them.

Almost every available Land in Accra is being walled off and stolen by those Samuel Abu Jinapor describes as “powerful people” who have been illegally allocated these Land so they can hide proceeds of corruption and money Laundering to avoid huge bank balances that will raise eyebrows like the PPA boss Agyenim-Boateng Adjei…

The mention of the First Lady’s possible involvement in the Cantonments Civil Aviation Landgrab has not been conclusively dealt with…

Kennedy Agyepong’s allegation of Stephen Ntim stealing and selling various State Lands when he was the head of the Lands Commission has not been investigated nor a report on that made public.

The Bulgarian Embassy and Nigerian High Commission Land disputes is further evidence of the endemic corruption and multiple allocations by the Lands Commission.

Samuel Abu Jinapor’s personal supervision of 52acres of prime Airport Hills land recently allocated to Esi Gbedemah for the price of 1acre and infamous Justice Sophia Akuffo’s purchase of prime Cantonments Land for GHc7000 dramatise the criminal gifting of State Lands to cronies.

The reluctance of the Special Prosecutor and President Akufo-Addo investigating the Landgrab by the named high profile personalities on the long list with particulars of their fraudulently allocated State Lands confirm the states lack of commitment to fighting the impunity because of the complicity of State actors in the criminal activity.

The Cathedral scandal has also brought to the fore  Land Looting, Land annexation and doing business in the housing displaced Judges.

A forensic investigation including who owns the accommodation the displaced Judges were relocated to and which companies are involved in the construction of their new accommodation will help unravel the criminal Gang raping Ghana.

The President, Defence Minister, Interior Minister, National Security Minister, Lands Minister, Lands Commission, Special Prosecutor, Attorney General, the Chief of Defence Staff and the Inspector General of Police are not committed to ending the Landgrab, Landguardism and the prosecution of Perpetrators most of whom are their colleagues, cronies, family, friends and business associates as evidence in the 140-acre Tradefair Redevelopment Project Landgrab, the CSIR Landgrab, the GRA-GBC Landgrab-cum Landswap among others.

Ghanaians are resolved to be Citizens and not Spectators; determined to unravel the State Sponsored Landgrab including the Lands Ministry agreement with Clemence Gyato and Anyok Holdings to reclaim encroached State Lands and be paid with portions of the State Lands which is then shared with government officials as occurred in the Adenta Civil Aviation Lands – with beneficiaries including Peter Amewu, Charles Owusu and Agrowave Limited

Ghanaians will not rest until they rescue Ghana from the thieves and their Goro-Boys plundering the public purse and Looting Lands.

The Speaker of Parliament must direct in similar manner to his directive on the Islamic Senior High School Shooting Spree do same for the Kpletso Shooting and Assault case.

The Parliamentary Select Committee on Lands must also be directed to look into the numerous Landgrab cases including the Military annexation of Kpletso Land, the Looting of Civil Aviation Lands, the Tradefair Land the Esi Gbedemah Airport Hills Land and the Cathedral Lands.

God Save Our Homeland Ghana!





By Prince-Derek Adjei

cathedralCoercioncorruptionCOVID-19governimpunityLand lootingnonsensepublic purse