Tax stakeholders convene in Ghana to unpack domestic resource mobilisation and illicit financial flows issues in Africa

Launched in January 2007 during the World Social Forum held in Nairobi, TJNA promotes socially just, accountable and progressive taxation systemsin Africa. It advocates for tax policies with pro-poor outcomes and tax systems that curb public resource leakages and enhance domestic resource mobilisation. 
Tax stakeholders convene in Ghana to unpack domestic resource mobilisation and illicit financial flows issues in Africa

Key stakeholders in Africa’s tax sector are set to meet in Ghana to unpack domestic resource mobilisation and illicit financial flows issues in Africa.

The 11th Pan-African Conference on Illicit Financial Flows and Taxation (PAC) conference provides a platform for tax stakeholders to explore ways in which African countries can take the lead on international conversations that are beginning to have direct implications on issues relating to domestic resource mobilisation and illicit financial flows.

The conference is organised by Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA) and The African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF.

The conference brings together officials working on tax issues from Pan-African Organizations, tax administrations, ministries of Finance, civil society organisations, parliamentarians, and academia/researchers from Africa and beyond, under the theme “Making Global Tax Governance Work for Africa.

The conference is a platform that will enable the attendees to contribute to the development of a common African position on key international conversations that affect African countries’ efforts to raise domestic resources. It is also a platform to identify actions and solutions for actors such as African governments, parliamentarians, civil society organisations, the private sector and other policy players that are key in mobilising domestic resources within the context and will present the opportunity to grow partnerships and collaborations between the different actors.

To meet its development aspirations, Africa will need additional resources to respond to global crises and to realign with the priorities of both the SDGs and Agenda 2063. According to Africa Economic Outlook 2022, the continent’s additional financial needs for 2020-2022 were estimated at USD 432 billion. Africa’s Annual Sustainable Development Goalsfinancing gap is around USD 190 billion (African Union 2023). This gap can be bridged by developing regional value chains, improving equitable and fair entry to accessible markets through intra-Africa trade and revenue mobilisation through effective and inclusive tax collection and combatting IFFs.

PAC 2023 explores the aspect of forging partnerships and collaborations to promote and mobilise action amongst tax sector players. Strengthening these alliances is essential for African countries to take the lead on international conversations on domestic resource mobilisation and illicit financial flows in the continent.

About the Tax Justice Network Africa 

The Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA) is a pan-African organisation and a member of the Global Alliance for Tax Justice. Launched in January 2007 during the World Social Forum held in Nairobi, TJNA promotes socially just, accountable and progressive taxation systemsin Africa. It advocates for tax policies with pro-poor outcomes and tax systems that curb public resource leakages and enhance domestic resource mobilisation.

About ATAF 

The African Tax Administration Forum is an organisation which was established by African revenue authorities in 2009, in order to improve the performance of tax administrations in Africa. The tax administrations of 38 countries in Africa are members of ATAF, i.e. 75% of tax administrations on the continent, making it the premier body on tax matters in Africa. ATAF believes that better tax administration will enhance economic growth, increase accountability of the state to its citizens, and more effectively mobilise domestic resources. Now in its 10th year of existence, ATAF has positioned itself as Africa’s homegrown solution to improving revenue collection, advancing the role of taxation in governance and state-building and providing a voice for the continent on international tax issues.


AfricaConveneDomesticdomestic resource mobilisationfinancialflowsGhanaIllicitIllicit Financial FlowsissuesMobilisationresourceStakeholdersTaxunpack