The BOG hospital Brohaha – Why the Silence? Dr Nashiru asked

The BOG hospital Brohaha – Why the Silence? Dr Nashiru asked

A Letter to Dr. Abdul Nashiru Issahaku- Former Governor, BOG.

Dear Dr Nashiru,
Forgive me if i dont start my piece with salutations as our tradition demands. This is because I’m writing with much pain and sorrow in my heart in view of the current happenings regarding the Bank of Ghana Hospital.

Dr. Nashiru, we all know you were the immediate past Govenor of the Central Bank, an appointment made by President Mahama because of your competence and sterling performance as a deputy.

One thing you must know is that, President Mahama could have chosen anyone from outside to head the central bank like Nana Addo has done with Dr. Addison but he chose you Dr. Nashiru above all other qualified persons and made you one of the most powerful person’s in the land.

This means that, before a President selects you to this high position, aside your qualifications and competence, he has absolute confidence, trust, and knows you would at all times be loyal to defend and protect his legacy as your oath stipulates whether in power and out of power.
I know you are not a politician but you do know that the position you occupied as a Governor is a political office. No doubt about it.

As i write to you Dr., i know some of you (Past Govenors) are still receiving your salaries or might have received your accumulated salaries and compensation in view of the termination of your contract by the Npp Government. You would have loved to stay at your post but like i said, that position is a political one.

So my question to you Dr. Nashiru is that, if you think the Npp loves you, why didn’t they leave you at post but dismissed you? They did that because you are an appointee of President Mahama. You belonged to the NDC. Simplicita! Dont you get it? They don’t trust you one bit and they will never trust you; so how on earth will you sit down and allow the NPP smear your former boss (President Mahama) with dirt on the raging issue as to who built the Bank of Ghana Hospital?

You and i know that Nana Addo has refused to open the Bank of Ghana Hospital ostensibly because it was built by his predecessor, President John Mahama. So they wanted the hospital which was completed some few years ago to rot but for the Coronavirus pandemic.

Today, the Npp led by their chief propagandist, Kwaku Baako is claiming Mahama didn’t build the BOG hospital. Do you agree with him? If not why the silence? I thought by now you would have issued a statement to respond to these lies by Kwaku Baako. Because as a former deputy Govenor and later as Governor you are vexed with the conceptualization of building the Bank hospital. Of course, you and your former boss would have had several discussions with President Mahama on this hospital project and have his blessings and approval before proceeding because its a public institution. Same as his finance minister. So why are you quiet on this one too?

I hope you remember the issue of the Sibton Switch payment were Dr. Bawumia two years ago alleged that the contract was inflated by the NDC administration. Everyone was expecting you Dr. Nashiru to set the records straight to clear the image of the NDC administration but hey, you chose to be with your bossom friend and classmate Dr. Bawumia to ditch the NDC and Mahama. It had to take your deputy Dr. Johnson Asiamah to respond to Dr. Bawumia and this I believe are part of the reasons that has landed Dr. Asiamah in court today.
Elections they say, have consequences!

Who else has the authority to speak to the issue better than you Dr. Nashiru? I’m really perplexed about your continuous silence and I pity President Mahama. He trusted you and stood by you against all odds as Governor and is this how to pay him back?

Today Nana Addo is taking credit for factories he hasn’t even built under the 1D1F policy and yet you allow Kwaku Baako to peddle this falsehood that Mahama didn’t build the BOG hospital. Even workers of the Bank of Ghana are praising Mahama for this magnificent edifice just as workers of Ghana Airport are also praising Mahama for the Terminal 3.

Dr Nashiru, I think this silence of yours is a stab in the back. You have surprised many of us as Northerner’s who were looking upto you. Knowing you as a Muslim and a proud Northerner having rose to this high position, the first in the history of Ghana. I believe posterity will never forgive you for leaving Mahama to the ‘dogs’ to chew.

Hope you are witnessing the rule of the current Govenor of the Bank, Dr. Addison?
You think he will keep quite when he leaves office when Nana Addo comes under attack? Never!

The Npp is a political animal and anyone who does not belong to them is an enemy….You must get it, Dr. Nashiru. I dont think you will come lobbying after the NDC has won the elections after some people have done the work. I’m no where close to the appointing authorities but i know for a fact that the NDC footsoldiers will not sit idle and allow any Tom, Dick and Harry to come and take position. It would be resisted forcefully.

This is the mood of the grassroots here in the Northern region and elsewhere. Eyes are red and people are watching every former appointee who foresakes to defend the legacy of Mr. Mahama and the NDC.

Thanks to all those who have always stood up to defend the legacy of President Mahama including the Bank of Ghana Hospital. It is a John Mahama legacy and No one can take it away from him.

Our elders say “when a friend betrays you, its a reflection of their character and not yours”.


Chief Habibu Alhassan
Teacher, Saboba, NR
9th April, 2020

Bank of GhanaBOGdemandsDr. Abdul Nashiru IssahakuGovernorhappeningsheartHospitalLetterpainsalutationssorrowtraditionwriting