The Chief of Staff shall not Fall on the Swords of Chicanery

To say that the Honourable Chief of Staff is the cleanest ever to have occupied the position is an understatement
The Chief of Staff shall not Fall on the Swords of Chicanery

By Fadi Dabbousi

Describing Journalism in Ghana as an “Honour to Dishonour” could not have been wrong when I wrote an article captioning this statement. When we have a bunch of marauding idiots wielding “Bic” pens chewed halfway as they sit and plot unwholesome propaganda, we can be assured of the most disgusting reportage and unbefitting blotches on the integrity of true and impeccable journalism.

To say that the Honourable Chief of Staff is the cleanest ever to have occupied the position is an understatement. I have often written about the failed wars that have been waged to oust her to create room for some vultures to push their own in her stead, all because she guards the national kitty like it is her own purse, which they are not comfortable with because their chopchop agenda is denied.

The NDC and their surrogates, and by that I mean some NPP political prostitutes, have never relaxed their evil motives of creating disfavour for the President, His Excellency Nana Akufo-Addo, and his team. All manner of lies and denigrating insults have been bulleted their way, but all have fallen flat at feet of the fiends. For example, the unruly baby with sharp teeth, who had allegedly bitten the doors of the national kitty to enrich himself during the days of the NDC has become synonymous with lies about aviation and private jets that he knows next to nothing about. The Arabs say that if a camel turned to look at its hump, it would fall and break its neck. Likewise, Ablakwa could never justify how he moved from rags to riches overnight when Atta Mills picked him from his small rickety old green car to become a well-polished charlatan!

Okudzeto Ablakwa seems to be spearheading a campaign of lies and chicanery to deceive Ghanaians about non-existent issues. Also, one Captain Smart, a total irony of his nickname, has engaged in unpalatable rhetoric against the government to the extent of making damning comments that are alien to the Presidency. He minces no words to exhibit his hatred for the NPP, and that is understandable coming from a Hyena. Multimedia seems to be towing this same line, too.

Let me state on Authority that the Honourable Chief of Staff has never and will never ever delve into issues as auctioning and selling properties belonging to the State. How rude and impish it is to make such an allegation without explicit proof, making it seem as if the business of the Presidency is to sell “roasted plantain and groundnuts”. How? But then again, I do not blame the jaundiced journalists who for mere trotro change would level all sorts of unfounded allegations against a woman who has no other aim at heart than to ensure the diligent care of State property as well as to leave a legacy of honour and patriotism for posterity to learn valuable lessons from.

And those who fuel the fire of evil must understand that such an inferno is self-consuming and will char the tongues of the liars no matter how far it may continue to burn. However, it behoves some of us to expose the faces and names of the prodders of this evil fire so that they may be consumed by the embarrassment and disgrace of disloyalty and lack of patriotism to this country we call Ghana, whose morals we throw to the dogs instead of learning and holding same to our bosoms.

Talking about the Chief of Staff, this woman has had an impeccable record of promoting human and women’s rights. Having being an MP for Ayawaso West for many years, she refused to enrich herself at the expense of her constituents. Not only did she use the MP funds to ameliorate the living conditions of her people, she, also, spent of her own pocket to augment the efforts in this regard.

It is, therefore, dumfounding to hear of such unpalatable accusations that can even confuse the dead for the injustice they carry in their tones. I have heard some people say about their enemies, “may GOD forgive them”, but I choose to say, “may GOD never forgive them” because theirs is like the case of the dog’s curved tail that was placed under an object for a thousand years to straighten only for it to curve back to position when that object was removed.

Y3 sua nyansa, nanso, 3benom ntumi sua da!

By Fadi Dabbousi


Captain SmartchicaneryChief of StaffFallNDCNPPSamuel Okudzeto AblakwaSwords