The Devil to Target Youth, Pregnant Women in 2020 – Prophet Warns

The Devil to Target Youth, Pregnant Women in 2020 – Prophet Warns

Accra-based man of God, Prophet King Kweku Wiliams, is warning the youth of Ghana to draw closer to God in the year 2020 to avert the devil’s plot against them.

In his prophetic message to the nation for the New Year, Prophet Williams, disclosed that, “In 2020 the devil would target the youth and pregnant women and this would result in series of calamities such as deaths and madness among young persons.”

According to the Prophet, the quest for power by prominent persons at some levels, would result in the youth being killed and led into social vices that would affect them and for that matter the future of the nation.

He said the youth are caught in social vices like armed robbery, drug abuse, such as the use tramadol, as a result of the failure of leadership, political as well as religious, but if they could return unto the Lord Jesus Christ, He would transform their lives and make things new.

“Those in leadership, who are blocking God’s glory from falling on the youth, should be careful else the wrath of God would fall on them without mercy.

As for those selfishly and greedily amassing the nation’s resources, they should desist from the act before they start facing the consequences. Their children wouldn’t benefit from their stolen wealth, if they don’t repent,” Prophet Williams warned.

He said, the warning is also directed to pastors and religious leaders abusing their offices through corrupt acts and deliberate misleading of the people for selfish interests

His message called on young ones involved in occultist practices to repent and come unto the Lord to avert destruction for the Lord has a great plan for them.

Additionally, he revealed that pregnant women would be targeted, and if the nation fails to rise up in prayer, many pregnant women and children would die. This, he said, is because many potentially prominent persons would be born in the year and the devil would seek to end their lives.

He cautioned women in the country to be very wary of their movements, especially at night since there is a plot to kill and dump more of them at various locations in the country.

“In effect, there would be dead bodies abandoned at various places in the country, with women dominating. Women who transact business at the market should be prayerful and watchful of strange individuals around them.”

There would be the outbreak of some diseases leading to deaths.

“I wish to state that, prophetic messages of this nature are warnings to the nation to rise up in prayer, but not a means to prove who is a better prophet. God’s desire is for mankind to know what the evil one is planning against them in order to escape. God reveals to redeem,” he clarified.

“I see many office buildings on fire deliberately caused for some reasons; the nation should rise up in prayer for those plotting such fires to be exposed,” he admonished.

There will be earthquakes in the country in 2020 but this year’s flooding wouldn’t be as serious as 2019.

The youth of Ghana should not throw their hands in despair for the Lord Jesus Christ has plans to redeem them from problems they are facing if they would return to Him in prayer. Let’s all remember them in our prayers.



devilGhanaGodPlotProphet King Kweku WiliamswarningYouth