Tidal waves leave hundreds of people homeless in Volta Region

Residents have been seen sleeping on mattresses along roads while other moved to higher grounds in search of shelter.
Tidal waves leave hundreds of people homeless in Volta Region

Hundreds of people have been rendered homeless in Ghana’s Volta Region following destruction caused by tidal waves.

The latest destruction to properties were recorded on Sunday, April 3,  2022.

Residents have been seen sleeping on mattresses along roads while other moved to higher grounds in search of shelter.

Ghana’s famous Emancipation Beach Resort which is located in Keta was badly affected by the tidal waves.

Several properties owned by the Resort were destroyed by the waves.

Similar tidal waves left 3,000 residents of Keta  municipality homeless as the waves swept through several homes in November 2021.


GhanahomelessTidal WavesVolta Region