Unemployed man placed under a two-year bond to be of good behaviour

Opoku, who was charged with four counts of causing unlawful damage, resisting arrest and assaulting two public officers whilst executing their lawful duties changed his plea of no guilty to guilty for the four counts and pleaded with the court for clemency
Unemployed man placed under a two-year bond to be of good behaviour

Eric Opoku, 26, and unemployed has been ordered by a Sunyani District Magistrate Court ‘B’ to sign a two-year bond to demonstrate good conduct and refrain from crime related offences.

Opoku, who was charged with four counts of causing unlawful damage, resisting arrest and assaulting two public officers whilst executing their lawful duties changed his plea of no guilty to guilty for the four counts and pleaded with the court for clemency.

Consequently, the court, presided by Mr. Eric Daning convicted him of his plea to be under a bond of 24 months to exhibit good conduct by desisting from offences beyond permissible level or in default serve two years imprisonment.

The prosecutor, Police Chief Inspector Esther Gyebi told the court that Madam Gladys Mensah, the first complainant, is a trader at Atronie, a farming community in the Sunyani municipality.

On Monday, May 10, 2021 the accused person went to buy an item from Abena Dapuo, a storekeeper.

P/C Inspt. Gyebi said an argument ensued between convict and the storekeeper over the price of the item and insulted each other in the process.

The prosecutor added the convict picked the complainant’s plastic chair to hit the storekeeper but she swerved and the chair hit the ground and got damaged.

P/C Inspt. Gyebi said complainant reported the matter to the Atronie Police, but convict on two occasions escaped arrest until Tuesday, May 18, 2021 when the General Lance Corporal Karim Muniru, second complainant and General Constable Saeed Iddrisu, third complainant were detailed to arrest him at Atronie.

The prosecutor said after the reason for his arrest was explained to him, Opoku resisted the arrest and aggressively struggled with the second complainant and bit his right hand and further slapped third complainant too in the struggle.

P/C Inspt. Gyebi said both Police officers sustained injuries but managed to arrest convict to the Police station, where he admitted the offence during interrogation and was charged accordingly.

bondEric Opokugood behaviour