US Government announces Training and Study Tour Awards to Ghana’s Best Female Farmer and 19 others

The National Farmers’ Day is celebrated on the first Friday of December to reward and recognize farmers for their role in ensuring food security and sufficiency, and economic growth in the country.
US Government announces Training and Study Tour Awards to Ghana’s Best Female Farmer and 19 others

In honor of the 38th National Farmers’ Day, USAID-supported Feed the Future (FtF) Ghana Policy LINK Activity announced training and study tour packages awards for the national Best Female Farmer, Madam Yaa Adjeley, from Wassa in the Western Region, along with 19 other regional and district female award winners.

The 20 women (comprising women in agriculture, youth, and persons with disabilities) will receive training in business management, financial access and management, and marketing. They will also undertake a study tour to learn best practices from well-standing agribusinesses in Ghana to learn how to overcome the challenges they encounter as women in agriculture.

The National Farmers’ Day is celebrated on the first Friday of December to reward and recognize farmers for their role in ensuring food security and sufficiency, and economic growth in the country.

Mr. Yunus Abdulai, Country Lead for the Ghana Policy LINK Activity, indicated that this year’s Farmers’ Day theme, “Accelerating Agricultural Development Through Value Addition”, aligns with Policy LINK’s goal to promote inclusion and strengthen Ghana’s key agricultural actors and institutions, with a particular focus on increasing the engagement of women, youth, and vulnerable groups in policy making and implementation.

“We believe that value addition in the agriculture value chain is critical if Ghana wants to achieve sustainable, agriculture-led economic growth,” he said. “These women have distinguished themselves in what they do, and by providing them with this extra knowledge and exposure to other best practices, we believe they will be better placed to overcome the challenges they face, expand their operations, and ultimately help transform our country’s agriculture,” Mr Abdulai added.

About Feed the Future  

Feed the Future is the U.S. Government’s initiative to end global hunger. Led by USAID and driven by collaborative partnerships across public and private sectors, including 11 U.S. Government agencies, Feed the Future addresses the root causes of poverty and hunger. This is done by boosting inclusive agriculture-led economic growth, resilience, and nutrition in countries with great need and opportunity for improvement.

About Ghana Policy LINK Activity

The five-year Ghana Policy LINK Activity supports the government of Ghana in strengthening policy development, adoption, and implementation to inspire sustainable, agriculture-led economic growth; strengthen the resilience of people and systems; and create a well-nourished population, especially women and children. The activity also fosters behavior change that strengthens the capacity and ability of Ghanaian stakeholders to participate in a more transparent, inclusive, and evidence-based agriculture and food security policy process that leads to improved food and nutrition outcomes and broad-based economic growth.


Female FarmerGhanaNational Farmers DayStudy Tour AwardstrainingUS GovernmentUSAIDWASSAWestern RegionYaa Adjeley