Vice President Mark Addo heads GFA Finance Committee

Vice President Mark Addo heads GFA Finance Committee

The Executive Council of the GFA has named a five-member Finance Committee of the GFA with the Association’s Vice President, Mark Addo as Chairman of the Committee.

The Executive Committee named the Columbia University graduate (MBA (Finance and International Business) as Chairman and other members onto the Committee during its meeting at Cape Coast last week.

Executive Council member, George Amoako, who has considerable knowledge in football finance, is the Vice Chairman of the Finance Committee.

Other members are Samuel Kaye Brew-Butler, Mathew Ampofo, and Gideon Fosu.

The Finance Committee’s responsibilities include the following:

  1. Cooperating with the General Secretary to prepare and submit the annual budget of the GFA.
  2. Ensuring compliance with the budget and financial policies of the GFA, and to make recommendations to the Executive Council.

  3. Reviewing the accounting and audit regime at the GFA, and to send periodic reports to the Executive Council.

  4. Advising the Executive Council on financial transactions and investment.


George AmoakoGFAMark AddoMathew AmpofoSamuel Kaye Brew-Butler