Volta NDC Condemns President’s Silence on the Plight of Flood Disaster Victims in the 2024 SONA

The address was the most disappointing for the people in the Volta Region who were glued to their radio and TV sets in serious anticipation of a relieving update on the several promises earlier made toward alleviating their predicaments following the disaster.

On Tuesday, February 26, 2024, the President of the Republic, Nana Addo-Danquah Akufo-Addo, in fulfillment of his obligation as stipulated by Article 67 of Ghana’s Constitution, presented his penultimate State of the Nation’s Address (SONA) to Parliament.

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the Volta Region expresses profound disappointment and concern over the deliberate omission by the President to address the dire plights of victims affected by the recent flood disaster in the 2024 SONA.

The recent flood disaster, exacerbated by spillages from the Akosombo and Kpong Dams, has wreaked havoc on communities within the Volta and other regions, leaving countless families displaced and livelihoods destroyed. Furthermore, the onslaught of tidal waves in the three southern municipalities of Anlo, Keta and Ketu South has compounded the suffering of our people, leaving them vulnerable and in urgent need of assistance.

The address was the most disappointing for the people in the Volta Region who were glued to their radio and TV sets in serious anticipation of a relieving update on the several promises earlier made toward alleviating their predicaments following the disaster.

The people were actually expecting to hear something about the disbursement of the GH¢220 million allocated in the 2024 Budget to support the affected communities, the funds from the World Bank under the IDA Crisis Response Window (CRW) to support the resettlement of the victims, restoration of livelihoods, compensation and reconstruction of infrastructure in the affected communities.

It is deeply regrettable that amidst these precarious challenges, the President chose not to acknowledge or offer solutions to alleviate the suffering of our fellow citizens. The absence of any mention of relief efforts or plans to mitigate the effects of the disaster in the 31 page SONA is a glaring oversight that reflects a deliberate lack of empathy and commitment to the well-being of these countrymen.

What is equally displeasing is the President’s mention of a non-existent project like the Keta Fish Landing Site on page 22 of his presentation. We want to once again put on record that there is no such project in Keta or any other place in the Volta Region. The President should learn to insulate himself from always being misled by doing due diligence in getting accurate information on such crucial matters.

The Volta NDC strongly requests of the President to urgently address this issue and prioritize the needs of those affected by the flood disaster and tidal waves. We demand immediate action to provide relief aid, rehabilitate affected communities, and implement sustainable measures to prevent future occurrences.

In fulfilling the constitutional obligation to address the nation, it is imperative that the President demonstrates leadership by acknowledging and responding to the pressing concerns of all citizens, irrespective of tribe, location or voting pattern.

The NDC remains steadfast in its commitment to advocating for the rights and welfare of our people, and will continue to hold this government accountable for its actions and inaction.


Sorkpa Kafui Agbleze
Volta Regional Communications Officer

Source: Ghananewsonline.com.gh

2024 SONAAkosomboFlood Disaster VictimsKpong DamsNana Addo Danquah Akufo-AddoPlightsilenceVolta NDCWorld Bank