We’re not secretly registering voters with missing BVR kits – EC

“…The commission has never reported that BVR kits have been stolen. The Commission reported to the security agencies that five laptops were missing. The commission informed all stakeholders about the missing laptops. Describing the missing laptops as BVRs is a deliberate attempt by certain groups to deceive the public in order to sustain their unfounded allegations…the five missing laptops on their own cannot be used to register voters,”

The Electoral Commission (EC) has refuted claims by the Election Watch Ghana which suggests that the commission is secretly registering voters using stolen Biometric Voter Registration (BVR) Kits.

In a press on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, in Accra, the Deputy Commissioner in charge of Operations at the commission, Samuel Tetteh debunked the claims and urged the public to ignore such a distorted message.

“The attention of the commission has been drawn to a press conference organised by a group called Election Watch Ghana during which one Mark Ewusi alleged that the EC was using stolen BVR kits to register people secretly. The commission urges the public to ignore these baseless and unfounded allegations as they are without merit,” he stated.

Mr Tetteh clarified that the commission had reported to security agencies about five missing laptops, which are components of the BVR kits, not the entire kits, however, misrepresenting the information is a deliberate attempt to mislead the public.

“…The commission has never reported that BVR kits have been stolen. The Commission reported to the security agencies that five laptops were missing. The commission informed all stakeholders about the missing laptops. Describing the missing laptops as BVRs is a deliberate attempt by certain groups to deceive the public in order to sustain their unfounded allegations…the five missing laptops on their own cannot be used to register voters,” he clarified.

Biometric Voter Registration (BVR) KitsdebunkeddistortedECElection Watch GhanaElectoral Commission (EC)Limited Voter Registration ExercisemessageMissing BVR kitsRegisteringSamuel TettehsecretlyVoters
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