We’re working to get clearance for unemployed nurses – MoH

“We have enough evidence to show that after we received the list from NMC, we forwarded it to the Minister of Finance. Their leader, who always comes to negotiate on their behalf, can attest to the fact that we have given him copies of evidence to show that the Ministry of Health is committed to ensuring their recruitment and ensuring their posting.”
We’re working to get clearance for unemployed nurses – MoH

The Ministry of Health has assured that they are making every effort to recruit students who have completed their nursing school training and will pay all unpaid allowances.

This comes after a demonstration staged by the rotational nurses, the midwifery association and a group of unemployed nurses in response to their delayed postings and unpaid allowances on Tuesday, April 16.

However, the Public Relations Officer for the Ministry of Health, Isaac Offei Baah, has asked for patience whiles they work to address the concerns of the nurses.

“Unfortunately, we have gotten to this level, but we are all aware that we cannot employ without clearance from the Ministry of Finance. That also doesn’t mean that we are not working to ensure that we get adequate clearance and clear all our nurses who are not employed.

“We have enough evidence to show that after we received the list from NMC, we forwarded it to the Minister of Finance. Their leader, who always comes to negotiate on their behalf, can attest to the fact that we have given him copies of evidence to show that the Ministry of Health is committed to ensuring their recruitment and ensuring their posting.”

Source: Myrepubliconline

clearancedelayed postingsIsaac Offei Baahmidwifery associationMinistry of HealthMoHNMCnursesrecruitmentto getUnemployedunemployed Nursesunpaid allowancesWe’re working