When Ghanaians make up their mind…

When Ghanaians make up their mind…

Under normal circumstances, the misguided utterances of Pius Hadzide and others being used by the Asante-Akim mafia-led Akufo-Addo government shouldn’t be the substance on which to base serious discussions about happenings in Ghana.

But we are compelled to cite them to suggest that nothing good has emerged so far under Akufo-Addo’s watch to validate the outcome of Election 2016, more so when Akufo-Addo hasn’t changed the dynamics for the better.

The outcome of the CDD and its Afrobarometer research says it all. And the loud vituperative condemnation across-the-board of Akufo-Addo’s worsening of living conditions in Ghana confirms what awaits the NPP at Election 2020.

All the machinations put in place by Akufo-Addo to remain in power are already known. The twisting of arms to get NPP buffs employed in all sectors of national life are known.

All the other aspects of the subterfuge are known too. They won’t save Akufo-Addo!!

I have already said that the parameters for Election 2020 have already been set. The big picture is clear: Akufo-Addo hasn’t been able to out-perform Mahama despite the huge propaganda.

Ghanaians feeling the bitter pinch under him will vote him down. The picture is clear.

If anybody thinks otherwise, let him/her interact with Ghanaians “on the ground”.

Let such people find out why the army of NPP communicators has folded up and why Akufo-Addo is diverting 6 million Ghana Cedis to revive that propaganda wing instead of using that money to solve problems that the electorate are persistently complaining about.

As of now, Akufo-Addo doesn’t have defenders outside his small circle of family and friends profiting from his maladministration.

When everything is put together, the simple conclusion is that between now and December 7, 2020, Team Akufo-Addo will be on life-support mechanisms that will definitely crash.

All the schemes put in place haven’t succeeded in undermining Mahama. The boomerang effect will hurt Team Akufo-Addo, which the pathological liar and errand boy Dr. Bawumia can’t still know.

In any case, I hope all his overzealous penchant for political mischief in the misappropriation of public funds for political stunts has hit him in the eye following the collapse of Samira (his wife-of-sorts) at a public event without any immediate medical support.

Winding down, let me say that the change that put Akufo-Addo in power will rebound to boot him out of it, no matter what his government and the NPP put in place. Ghanaians have seen a lot over the years and will prove so.

Ghanaians may be seen by their exploiters as patient and tolerant; but they are resilient by nature and unforgiving in resisting foolery.

Source: Micheal J. K. Borkor 

Akufo-AddoAsante AkimcircumstancesGovernmentMafiamisguidedPius Hadzideutterances