Why President Akufo-Addo’s Cathedral is a perfect Money Laundering Tool

Ghanaians demand accountability and an end to the construction of the controversial Akufo-Addo Cathedral…
Why President Akufo-Addo’s Cathedral is a perfect Money Laundering Tool

Corruption: Lack of Accountability, Transparency and Probity…

The stealing of Land, demolition of buildings, destruction of Trees, relocation and construction of buildings for displaced…

The Court Injunction and Substantive Court Case have been treated with contempt…

Akufo-Addo Sole Sourced Gay Advocate David Adjaye, who was paid surreptitiously despite not being a registered Architect, paid illegally without prior Parliamentary approval…

Ghanaians demand accountability and an end to the construction of the controversial Akufo-Addo Cathedral…

Ghanaians demand accountability and an audit of all money spent on the Akufo-Addo Cathedral including the fundraising, sources of money as the Chairman declined to confirm or deny receipt of money from the LGBTQI Community…

Ghanaians consider Akufo-Addo’s Cathedral a misplaced priority whiles he insists it is his Priority of Priorities…

If the identities of contributors to the fundraising is kept secret, and there is no accountability then corruption and money Laundering are inevitable…

This cannot be associated with the House of God…

Ghanaians are resolved to be Citizens and not Spectators.

Parliament must probe it, retrieve State funds and punish all involved…

Taxpayers Money kept at the Office of the President and spent frivolously on the Private Jet rides, Expensive hotels, wasteful Cathedral, Absentee MP Adwoa Safo, Gay Advocate David Adjaye and Lesbian Serwaa Broni must be stopped…

GHANA IS NOT BROKE NOR BANKRUPT; Ghana’s money is with people and Ghana’s money is being wasted on misplaced Priorities of President Akufo-Addo.

God Save Our Homeland Ghana;

GHc32million, GHc25million + $100million, $200million, $250million, $300million…




By Prince-Derek Adjei

AdvocatecathedralDavid Adjayegaymoney laundering.perfectpresident Akufo-AddoTool