You are doing well, Engineer PINTO

You are doing well, Engineer PINTO

I thought he was kidding me when he said “yes” to a proposal to create a common fund for supporting some of our Energy Sector Colleagues engaged in the struggle to return this country into the safe pair of hands of John and Jane. Engineer Pinto

You are doing well, Engineer PINTO

I am truly suprised and happy to note that my friend, brother and colleague, Engineer Pinto, has boldly demonstrated his committment by arranging the following donations to the cause:

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(1). 750 pieces of T-Shirts to the Parliamentary Candidate of the Kwesimintim Constituency.

(2) Five hundred (500) pieces of T-Shirts to the Parliamentary Candidate for Yapei-Kasawgu

(3).Two Hundred and Fifty (250) pieces of T- Shirts to the Parliamentary Candidate for Shama.

(4). Five Hundred ( 500) pieces of T-Shirts and other Stickers to the Parliamentary Candidate for Ellembele.

(5). One Hundred (100) pieces of T-Shirts and flags to the Branch Secretary of Odumase-Dodowa, Shai-Osudoku Constituency

I am glad to acknowledge publicly the efforts and support of Engineer Pinto, and I take the opportunity to encourage him to do more for other PCs in the Oil and Gas Enclave.

Find attached pictures and video of a recent donation by my friend Eng. Pinto to the PC for Kwesimintim.

Congratulation Eng. Pinto.

All your efforts shall end in praise.

Owula Mangortey 
15th August, 2020

Election 2020Engineer PintoJohn and JaneNDCOil and Gas