Annoh Dompreh has become a Joke of Parliamentary Leadership
On two occasions, this MP, who one would expect to be a role model to First timer MPs as they are popularly called cannot maintain a cool head over a simple truth.
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It has become apparent that the New Patriotic Party (NPP) has become a shadow of itself in Parliament as the Majority Chief Whip Frank Annoh-Dompreh the Member of Parliament for the Nsawam Adoagyiri constituency has become a walking contradiction either out of frustration or shear disrespect for his constituents and Ghanaians in general.
One would have expected that, a Member of Parliament be referred who is referred as Honorable would act honorably but that cannot be said of the Current Chief Whip of the NPP.
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On two occasions, this MP, who one would expect to be a role model to First timer MPs as they are popularly called cannot maintain a cool head over a simple truth.
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In recent past, this same MP went on social media to disrespect Ghanaians by lying blatantly about the infamous e-levy cake as haven been delivered by the Minority. It took the Majority leader to clarify the source of the cake and even that, the legislator did not have the decency to render an unqualified apology to Ghanaians. Granted that he did not know where exactly the cake came from as the Majority chief whip, he needed to tell the blatant lie to NPP followers who needed to be satisfied. Does that mean, he so much disrespects his constituents and his NPP members such that they did not deserve the simple truth?
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Few days after everyone has been trying to sink in the lie of the Leader of the Majority caucus, here we are, with the same MP presenting a Motion purported to be supported by three other legislators only for the said Honorable MPs to deny knowledge of the said motion. As that was not enough, we have had some audio purporting to be the voice of the dishonourable liar of an MP claiming that the motion was from the majority. It took media persons to verify and confirm the truth that the MP was actually lying.
The question that now begs for answer is whether the Speaker should take any letter from the office of the Majority Chief Whip of Parliament serious or must he verify it. Should his constituents trust the words from the mouth of the Frank Annoh Dompreh? Should Ghanaians continuously accept disrespect from such characters in government? Should governance be based on lies and deceit of self aggrandized individuals such as Frank Annoh-Dompreh?
Does such character and his kind be considered an Honourable? These are not questions for the gods but for the individuals who have the responsibility to keep their employees in check.
K-Mensah – Love Leads
The Citizen
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