Appointment of TESCON Patrons, NPP Communicators to EC a Matter of Concern – Mahama Urges Christian Community to Speak Up

“People who were patrons of TESCON on campus have now become Commissioners of the Electoral Commission. We aim to awaken the conscience of the nation to ensure that the right actions are taken so that the election outcome truly reflects the will of the people,”

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Former President John Dramani Mahama has reiterated the National Democratic Congress’s (NDC) concerns regarding the neutrality of some Electoral Commissioners. He highlighted apprehensions about the appointment of individuals with strong political affiliations, questioning their ability to remain impartial in their roles.

Addressing a gathering of prominent clergy on Monday, May 20, 2024, Mr Mahama criticized President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo for appointing members of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) to key positions within the Electoral Commission.

“This is a president who is appointing politically exposed individuals to positions of trust where they are expected to be neutral and non-partisan,” Mahama asserted.

He pointed out that individuals who have served as party communicators and IT support for the NPP are now Commissioners of the Electoral Commission.

“People who have served as communicators for the party, those who have been IT backstops for the party, are now Commissioners of the Electoral Commission. How can we expect them to remain neutral and fair in their conduct?” he quizzed.

“People who were patrons of TESCON on campus have now become Commissioners of the Electoral Commission. We aim to awaken the conscience of the nation to ensure that the right actions are taken so that the election outcome truly reflects the will of the people,” he emphasized.

“We trust that the church community will also remain vigilant and ensure that the right thing is done,” he added.

The meeting with the Ecumenical leadership of Ghana included key religious figures such as Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams, Rev. Stephen Wengam, Rev. Lawrence Tetteh, and Rev. Sam Korankye Ankrah. NDC’s National Chairman Johnson Asiedu Nketiah and General Secretary Fifi Fiavi Kwetey were also present.

source: Newsalertgh

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