Arrest Military High Command: Prosecute murderous Ashiaman, Ejura & Kpletso soldiers…
The Military High Command issues stupid press releases whenever these Military Brutalities occur to fool Ghanaians into believing that something is being done when nothing is done, encouraging more impunity...
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The criminals who hide behind Military uniforms and use weapons and equipment of the Ghana Armed Forces to brutalise or kill Ghanaians must be arrested and publicly prosecuted to serve as deterrent to others.
Those who deploy the murderous soldiers, those who issue the command and those who participate in the acts of criminality while in Ghana Army uniforms must be severely punished to end the impunity.
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Compensation for victims of military brutalities must not be borne by the State but the individuals who participated, deployed or ordered the criminal activity.
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Zero death at Wa, with many injured after mutineering soldiers went on a beating spree on 1st July, 2021…
One death is reported at Ashiaman, with many injured after soldiers went on a beating spree on the instructions of the Military High Command and support of government on 7th March, 2023…
Two deaths were recorded at Ejura with several injured after soldiers went on a shooting spree upon the invitation of the Ashanti Regional Minister on 28th June 2021…
Three deaths so far have been recorded among the victims of the 15th April, 2021 shooting spree and assault by Military Landguards deployed by the Military High Command to steal prime La Lands…
Greater Accra Regional Minister illegally used the Military to clear Agbogbloshie, Sakumor, CSIR Lands…
The Military and the Police were engaged in a standoff at Suame after a soldier was arrested by the police for riding an unregistered motorcycle; but for the timely intervention of their respective commanders averting a bloodbath and shootout…
The Military High Command issues stupid press releases whenever these Military Brutalities occur to fool Ghanaians into believing that something is being done when nothing is done, encouraging more impunity…
The President led a delegation of the Defence and Interior Ministers, the Military High Command among others to Wa, to beg the Chiefs and People of Wa to forgive the mutineering soldiers who beat them up…
A joint statement was issued by the Military High Command and Police High Command when the Suame incident occurred but nothing followed…
The Military High Command issued a stupid statement a day after the Military invaded Kpletso Shooting and Assaulting journalists and citizens of La; then pretended nothing had happened…
Heads must roll; people must be arrested and prosecuted…
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The Victims must be properly compensated…
The dead victims of the Military brutalities must be given STATE BURIALS just like the soldier who was murdered at Ashiaman..
The Military must never be rewarded for their brutalities;
The Military must not be allowed to steal the Kpletso Lands next to the illegal Military Cemetery near Burma Camp…
The entire Kpletso Land must be returned to the La Stool…
The Kpletso Land must not be given to any middle-men or Goro-Boys or a Traditional Council…
Government will not be allowed to steal the Kpletso Land like they did with the Cantonments Civil Aviation Land and many other prime lands…
IF THE MINISTER OF LANDS, THE MINISTER OF DEFENCE, LANDS COMMISSION and any other persons fraudulently handle the Kpletso Lands; the blood of the victims and the express wishes of the late La Mantse Nii Kpobi Tettey Tsuru III will not permit us to standby and watch…
IF THE MINISTER OF LANDS, THE MINISTER OF DEFENCE, LANDS COMMISSION and any other persons fraudulently handle the Kpletso Lands; the Land Law ACT 1036 will have to ensure their arrest and prosecution…
We are determined to be Citizens and not Spectators.
By Prince-Derek Adjei
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