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Editor’s Take
Land Law to be tested: Kpletso, Dome Faase and Zambramba…
Ghanaians insist the men in Ghana Army uniform who undertake Landguard activities are paraded in public,…
Why President Akufo-Addo’s Cathedral is a perfect…
Corruption: Lack of Accountability, Transparency and Probity...
The stealing of Land, demolition of buildings,…
The Military and Landguardism in Ghana
Kpletso Shooting and Assault by armed men in Ghana Army uniforms occurred on 15th April, 2021 - journalists and…
LANDGRAB Official Complicity: Heads must roll…
Following the confirmation by the Executive Secretary of the Lands Commission that the Lands Ministry had an…
ADENTA LAND LOOTING: Charles Owusu, Clemence Gyato, Peter…
Sir John's aide Charles Owusu is not the only person grabbing Adenta Aviation Lands which must be rightfully…
What is the Priority of President Akufo-Addo?
President Akufo Addo said his Cathedral Project is his PRIORITY OF…
FLOODING IN ACCRA: A Ga Man’s 10-Point perspective to…
Flooding in Accra can be solved very simply as follows;
Learning the Ga Language to understand the meaning of…
Ghana: A Land where we major in minors and minor in majors
Freezing assets of DEAD Sir John and leaving LIVING Sophia Akuffo, Jean Adukwei Mensa, Clemence Gyato, Stephen…
Landgrab: OccupyGhana & IMANI Africa Hypocrisy
Civil Society must state their position on the Civil Aviation Landgrab if they are no longer willing to state a…
La Land Looting & Landgrab: A historical perspective…
La Lands were acquired through conquest - WAR - with blood of the ancestors; so their descendants cannot be…
Our Homeland Ghana: One Nation, One People with a Common…
Somewhere in Ghana our Motherland, on 31st December while most Ghanaians were preparing to usher in the New Year or…