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World News
Virtual Parenting Experience extends marketing opportunity…
As the ‘Covid cloak’ begins to lift, certain consumer habits which were not as prevalent pre-Covid remain. Among…
International NGOs Urge International community to Enact…
As Russia's invasion of Ukraine continues for more than 50 days, the international community is seeking and…
Review of Ghana’s table group at the World Cup 2022
The 2022 FIFA World Cup is still 7 months away (from November 21 to December 18, 2022). On the evening of April 1,…
Standard & Poor’s assigns Tawuniya an…
Standard & Poor's Global Rating Agency has assigned Tawuniya Insurance Company an "A-" rating and outlook…
The Dakhla International Research Centre: A Tool for the…
Children living in conflict zones are highly vulnerable due to many factors and are too often forcibly recruited as…
Only Criminal Leaders give Tax Breaks in Mining –…
Rwandan President Paul Kagame says it is a worst form of criminality, for any leader in Africa to give…
Telecel Group Announces the Acquisition of Mattel Mauritania…
Tunisie Telecom, BSA telecommunication and COMATEL announce the signing, on March 14, of an exclusive agreement…
Kasi Cloud Ltd. Breaks Ground in Lagos, Nigeria on New…
Nigerian company Kasi Cloud Ltd. (Kasi), the next-generation interconnection and data center platform for…
Nesta Challenges Announces Semi-finalists of Strand Three of…
Nesta Challenges has announced the semi-finalists of Promoting Change, the final strand of the Afri-Plastics…
‘We have hours left – help us’, says Mariupol marine
A marine commander in the last Ukrainian stronghold in the besieged city of Mariupol issued a video message in the…