Christians must pray against the looming Third World Word – Anti-World War platform cautions
Apostle Agbalenyoh, a teacher of the Prophetic Church and Political History, made these observations on Sunday, August 14 2022, at the Ghana Girls Guides Association at Achimota in Accra.
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The Founder of Seventh Department Congregation of Theocracy, Apostle Dr Kadmiel Etto Agbalenyoh, and his Anti – World War Group, have observed that current global developments portray that a senseless Third World War is looming.
He indicated that such ugly developments as the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the up-building misunderstanding and dispute between China and Taiwan give credence to this looming global war.
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According to him, it was such sporadic developments that led to those senseless and bloody two Worldwide Wars. The current developments notwithstanding, citizenery of the World should stand up and pray hard to God to avert this dangerous looming crisis.
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He maintained that if two previous bloody wars, in those days (1914-1918, 1939-1945), could claim over 50 million people, then a third Worl war, in this current nuclear era, could just be indescribably bloody .
It is against this background that I called peoples of the World, regardless of their religious background and persuasions to pray hard to God to avert this looming danger. This is …………….. this war would have no bounds! “he stressed.
Apostle Agbalenyoh, a teacher of the Prophetic Church and Political History, made these observations on Sunday, August 14 2022, at the Ghana Girls Guides Association at Achimota in Accra.
With the loan “21st Century, Avoid third World War, the theme for that conference was, “Does 21st Century fulfil Prophecy” th erudite Apostle chronicled events teaching to, during and after what he called these senseless and bloody Wars. Buttressing them with Biblical verses.
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These included matter 5: 9 24: 7-8; Isaiah 33:1, Acts 7: 26 and developments that led to senseless bloody first and second World Wars”
‘if we don’t pray hard, the wars that have started in these areas can spread fast like bushfire to engulf the whole world !”
While charging the United Nations Organization (UNO) to stand up and line up to expectation, Apostle Agbalenyoh noted that should the UN fail in its responsibilities as the League of Nations did, we all stand the risk.
A passionate and worried Apostle Agbalenyoh queried if this trouble world, already plaques with catastrophies as HIV/AIDs monkey Pox, coronavirus (Covid – 19) extreme Poverty , fire outbreaks flooding’s, earthquakes, climate change and many more , should be further entangled in the World war.
“By this Russia p Ukraine War, probably, some aggressive World leaders have not learnt the lessions on the devastation of these two world Wars the claim over 60 million citizenery. Some religious and political leaders have dot considered that God will surely judge the destroyers of the earth! “he sounded a warning.
Whole also …… the loss of lives in these Wars Apostle Agbantenyoh of pressed his heartfelt sympathy for his brothers, the Jesus. He recounted with pain how six million of them could be killed in Europe during the Second World War. Only God knows what is happening to them in the current Russia –Ukraine War!”
Church Member to pray fervently for the nation and the World at large.
The conference was graced with a heavy down power. Incidentally the rains had stopped falling for months then. According to the Apostle, rains following such payers mean that God has listened to his children’s prayers and supplications.
By S. O. Ankamah
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