Dela Edem writes: Is Asiedu Nketia interested in enforcing discipline and upholding the guidelines of fair and peaceful elections in NDC?
Clearly appearing to be putting the cart before the horse, Hon. Asiedu Nketiah thinks that his personal ambitions should supersede the larger interest of the NDC to the extent that he is not bothered by the numerous reports of challenges with the constituency elections.
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Comrades, at a time when the NDC is holding crucial constituency elections which have so far been fraught with several challenges, including unavailability and delays in arrival of ballot papers, lawlessness and indiscipline, the General Secretary of the NDC is embarking on a self-seeking launch of his bid to become National Chairman of the party on Tuesday, 25th October, 2022.
Clearly appearing to be putting the cart before the horse, Hon. Asiedu Nketiah thinks that his personal ambitions should supersede the larger interest of the NDC to the extent that he is not bothered by the numerous reports of challenges with the constituency elections.
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Have reports of some constituencies going ahead with elections in flagrant disregard for directives by FEC and the National Elections Directorate for postponement due to some infractions, come to the attention of the General Secretary of the NDC, and is he interested in enforcing discipline and upholding the guidelines governing the fair and peaceful conduct of the elections?
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What about reports of some individuals who have arrogated to themselves the power to stop elections in some constituencies without the knowledge of the party?
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While these issues linger on and have the potential of throwing the entire internal election timetable off gear, the General Secretary of the party, who is the party’s Chief Executive Officer charged with the responsibility of shepherding and steering the successful conduct of these internal elections, is rather so fixated with the pursuit of his personal ambition to the neglect of this all-important internal reorganisation exercise.
As we speak, I am not aware of a single aspirant for a Regional position who has launched his campaign anywhere in the country, let alone the General Secretary of the NDC. Such a high-ranking party official, should not be getting ahead of himself at this critical time that leadership must show good example.
Let’s not allow self-interest to drive us at this critical juncture. We must be bold to call a spade a spade and not a digging tool.
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