Don’t follow Numbers into Sin – Prophet charges Christians
Prophet Amponsah made this charge in a thought-provoking sermon at the auditorium of the church at Asore Danho, Dansoman Junction last week.
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Head Pastor of Mountain of the Lord Ministry International, Prophet Richard Kwabena Amponsah, has charged church members in particular and Christians in general not to follow numbers into sin.
He noted that though, the saying goes that “Majority carries the vote,” the majority however, are not always right. One should therefore examine his ways and do what is right in the sight of God and not man. This is because the mind of man is full of wickedness. This is why, God after creating man, regretted to have done so.
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Prophet Amponsah made this charge in a thought-provoking sermon at the auditorium of the church at Asore Danho, Dansoman Junction last week.
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Citing Exodus Chapter 23 and the verse 2 In particular, “You shall not follow a multitude to do evil; nor shall you bear witness in a suit turning aside after a multitude, so as to pervet justice”, Prophet Amponsah stated that the human mind is bad. Therefore one should not depend on his neighbor for survival, rather, one should depend on, and wait upon God alone. This is because, human beings can be disappointing.
Prophet Amponsah also charged his congregants to be content with what they have and possess, and refrain from being converteous of others possession.
Don’t Listen To Thrash; Think About Yourself.
The prophet further charged his congregants not to listen to thrash, but think and talk about themselves. This is because “Bad Company corrupts good morals”. He maintained that should one meet one or two Ghanaians doing discussions, they are only talking about people. “They say, they say! Who Say?” he asked rhetorically.
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“Be mindful of your own life, and stop talking about others since that will not send you anywhere!” he charged.
Everybody Has Leprosy
Prophet Amponsah pointed out that none is perfect in this life, and that everybody has his leprosy of a sort. Therefore one should not cover his own misdeeds and talk about someone else’s. This is because everybody has his own leprosy of a sort. He also charged them to consider only positive things and refrain from negative ones. He was quick to point out that such negative things that go on in our societies and communities are always championed by church goers and even pastors.
Don’t Make Mockery of God
Prophet Amponsah charged his congregants against making mockery of God since we do not make mockery of Him. He pointed out that God knows everything and nothing is hidden from Him. Subsequently people should paddle their own canoe and refrain from rocking the boats of others.
“Be patient, wait upon the Lord who does His things in His own way!” he advised. Prophet Amponsah is ably assisted by Prophetess Gertrude Amponsah interspersed his sermon with soul-moving songs.
By S.O. Ankamah
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